Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Use Typed Data API with Drupal entities.
Define new helper to compute multi field values.
Enhance the integration class to catch timeout errors.
Add drush cr in my automated pull.
Update node data with custom updates for paragraph items.
Clean the code of my service class and remove the translation use.
Override the DateList class to override the date field properties.
Create new field widget extended from Drupal Datelist class.
Spliting a big helper service function to small functions.
Review Drupal localization.
Create new settings field as a checkboxes to allow admin user to have more options.
Upload my custom Lando config file on my Github.
Updating the deploy commands to run the drush updb.
Setting the state settings variables as a new install.
Handle (Back) button using form actions to reset tempStored values.
Enhance the text formats to allow users to use target attribute for links in content.
Create new library with SMACSS standard.
Setup Lando + xdebug + PHPStorm together.
Add new Lando command (lando dejavu) to update and import all new configurations.
Add new AJAX for and apply OpenModalDialogCommand.
Define new custom tokens to show the related main node title in email messages.
Show error message on a specific div using AjaxResponse command.
Add new custom serial number by saving the serial number value as state variable.
Extend DateFormatter class to use the same options for Hijri date.
Create new custom global service for Hijri date.