Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Save paragraph and attach them programmatically to node.
Create new custom dynamic form depend on paragraph fields.
Build a dynamic form depend on user choices.
Write test class for Helpers service.
Add new validation to get parent entity details if the current entity is a branch.
Create new state config variables to hide some fields.
Implement DB transactions for my custom registration form.
Working on Form states to hide some fields depend on user inputs.
Create custom form to import custom terms.
Working on Migrate API to import some data.
Reconfigure S3 URL paths of files folder.
Setup stage domain correctly on Pantheon.
Create a policy for support memberships.
Install webform and create new custom module to play with it.
Review Drupal 8 guide and write some notes.
Setup config_update and revert some updates.
Create custom settings form and save variables as state variables.
Fix and remove all deprecated code in my test project to be ready for D9.
Configure drupal-check on my machine.
Configure Pantheon with Cloudflare and setup separate stage environment.
Setup multidev environment on Pantheon.io
Trying to implement single sign on using another D8 site.
Configuring simple OAuth.
Review some D8 new features.
Enhance some helpers to make them shorter and straightforward.