Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Add conditional twig URL to go to standards list view.
Enhance TempStore for my form to prevent mixing form steps and delete temp data when user leave the form.
Use AjaxResponse for my custom multistep form.
Define new Drupal.behavior to handle my custom event command.
Use Drupal TempStore to store multistep form values per session.
Create custom twig template and attach it to the head of my multi-step form.
Separate helpers in small functions to increase maintainability.
Create custom twig template for design shortcodes.
Build a new multi-step form to save a variety of content type nodes.
Create new tooling command for my Lando configurations to automate project installation.
Refactoring my Lando file.
Implement new hook_update to migrate data from field to another field.
Implement LifxLan library to my Drupal site as part of my custom module.
Install new Drupal site on local network for samples and test projects.
Document registration validation rules.
New validation on my custom registration form to allow to disable taxonomy term check from settings.
Creat new custom access callback for issueCertificate route.
Setup a new site and test some security practices.
Trying to replicate the live DB with my local DB.
Add custom icons per URL when add new service.
Refactor standards helper to include standards form IDs.
Refactor standards response helper.
Save a new revision copy of node with custom log message.
Fixing bug when the node saved with anonymous uid in registration step.
Create 2 feature branches from master.