
No-code desktop app to explore business data with reports, realtime collaboration, offline mode and GPT integration

Backend: Add missing package sqlalchemy-migrate. Update redis connection init to use updated aioredis API. Frontend: Add proxy to API for development.

Backend: database.select.Select.get_count corrected to process in absence of 'id' column without error

Added psycopg2 to backend. Error in processing VARCHAR columns without defined length solved.

Backend: Add missing package sqlalchemy-migrate. Update redis connection init to use updated aioredis API. Frontend: Add proxy to API for development.

(chore) Added dot env support in backend (task) Added authentication middleware, reading JWT

(chore) Migration to TypeScript started (task) React Router added in webapp

(chore) sqlalchemy-migrate in backend dependencies (task) started README in backend

(chore) Updated webapp dependencies (chore) Migrated to poetry for backend and updated dependencies

(chore) Initiated migration to TypeScript (chore) UI State is a separate store

(task) Adding React Router to webapp: - refactor main app context to work with router instead - authenticated and non-authenticated screens - add links to all core UI elements that needed main app context

(chore) Minor code refactor to update to React 17; (task) Minor refactor of rowRenderer