Joshua Berrios πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Run Original Frontend + Backend for Reference

I will be running the original frontend and backend on my laptop while I work on the main refactoring using my desktop.
Joshua Berrios πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

I have just been referencing the GitHub Repo instead since the over UI will be different anyways.


What State Management tool do you use and recommend?

I would love to hear about the state management tool you use and why you recommend it? I am currently doing some research on Zustand.

Depends on your use case and architecture, but I found react-query covers most of my server state needs and normal react context for app state


i worked with redux-tookit, but i used it just for state management. the RTK query part wasn't for me. right now i use SWR (i am going to test react query also), but most probably i will move to zustand bc it looks way easier. and at the end of the day you have to choose which one you like.


Created a Creator Grid Component

I created a component that will generate creators in a grid. This component will be used only within pages that require showing a small to a large size directory of video creators.

Created Main Hero Component

I was having too much fun to go to sleep right away, so I worked on creating a component that features a unified navbar with a hero section for the homepage. So attached is the result (the image is compressed for upload reasons on MakerLog).

But seriously, I will go to sleep.

official refactoring is underway

Listening to Spanish Christian music while getting Tutorial Flare's humble beginnings going has been the experience of God's peace and code I needed these past couple of days. I can go to sleep in peace knowing the beginning of a passion project will be coming to life in the coming days.

Convert project to TypeScript

When refactoring the application using Next.js, I will be adding TypeScript support to the project.

Start Refactoring Project

I will be refactoring a web application I built specifically as a capstone project for the coding bootcamp I graduated back in January of 2022. It is a passion project that I was trying to bring to life from written words on a Notion page to a functional and interactive platform using my newly-acquired skills, as a Full Stack Web Developer, at the time using the MERN stack.

So I randomly thought about it and recently bumped into the capstone project folder on my Google Drive that it has not left my mind and I think I am going to refactor it using the following tech stack:
- Next.js (Framework)
- ChakraUI (Accessible Components)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- Supabase (Backend) or Custom Built Backend w/ Express, Node, & MongoDB

custom backend for nextjs still is a puzzle for me. most of my experience is with express, now that i worked with next.js i wonder even if need to have custom backend. If you want to use custom backend (with express.js for example) with nextjs can you say why? πŸ€” (i really don't know, but curious to know)

Joshua Berrios πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

When I do start on that version of the backend. I wouldn't mind sharing what I learned.


A Leap of Faith

This layoff has been harder than I thought on me but I cannot let it defeat me like I allowed the first layoff back in 2020 to defeat me. I will continue to trust in Jesus Christ, that all things work together for the good that are in Christ and do the will of the Father.

I am going to put a small halt on the Awesome Family Calendar and put all my focus on refactoring TutorialFlare and God-willing have an MVP by the end of this coming week. More details to come but it is what God has placed in my heart to work because it will allow me to refresh my skills, sharpen my craft, learn new ways of executing a solution, and most of all demonstrate to myself and others what I am capable of doing when I put my whole faith and trust in God alone.

you got this πŸ™

Joshua Berrios πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

Thank you brother! πŸ’ͺ🏼


I got laid off from my career position, so I am bootstrapping!

So on the morning of May 12, 2022, I woke up to a basecamp notification in which I was informed that I was being let go from my day job as a video creator for a WordPress Software company. The reason was not specific but they were kind enough to pay me a month's salary to cover living expenses and get employed again.

I am currently in the process of tweaking my developer resume so I can try to land job opportunities with WPEngine, Nelnet, Accenture, and other job leads I have on deck.

In the meantime, I am bootstrapping a consulting agency that focuses on video and podcasting. More to come, God-willing by next week Monday.

did they do it just like that? :/ I am sure everything will be OK!

James Kenny

That's a real bummer Joshua, sorry that happened to you, but it's really great to see you are looking at it like that, it's a great opportunity to try something. Go for it!


Complete GraphQL course via Egghead by the end of the week

I am almost done with the GraphQL course on by Eve Porcello and then I will be jumping ship to for further teaching and learning.

Accessible Color Palette βœ…

I just determined an accessible color palette that will be used to design the starting base of the application.

Fixed iOS Native Dependencies not updating!

Thanks to this solution by J0hannes on Stack Overflow, I was able to fix this issue! (Screenshot of error attached)

Link to the Answer -

Silly Me!

I was trying to run a command for a dependency and kept getting an error. The problem was that I forgot to install the main npm package πŸ˜‚ Such a Rookie Mistake! #awesomefamcal

Start to Build! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» πŸŽ‰

Let the building begin with the determined backend and frontend tech stack.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

oh sweet, TIL!

Joshua Berrios πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

No problem @poppacalypse