Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Co-delivered/-facilitated a half day design thinking workshop for gov Ministry #outsprint

Day 1168 - It's not a race. It's a dance. - https://golifelog.com/posts/its-not-a-race-its-a-dance-1710282348180 #lifelog

Prep for verbal delivery and facilitation at design thinking workshop tomorrow #outsprint

Lots of rescheduling (and therefore extra work!) for research interview sessions the past week. WTF is going on #outsprint

Added yet another 1 new item to directory for SaaS Starters - https://listskit.com/saasstarters #listskit

Day 1167 - Indie remixes of big tech products - https://golifelog.com/posts/indie-remixes-of-big-tech-products-1710214197310 #lifelog

Added 1 new item to directory for SaaS Starters - https://listskit.com/saasstarters #listskit

Day 1166 - Boring tech - https://golifelog.com/posts/boring-tech-1710126164710 #lifelog

🀯 I just created a sqlite db in my terminal for the first time ever, within 5min. WITHOUT needing to install any tools. I think I'm not going back ever #listskit


What did you use before?

Jason Leow Author



Added another new item to SaaS Starters directory - https://listskit.com/saasstarters/ #listskit

Day 1165 - Museums SG - https://golifelog.com/posts/museums-sg-1710066059442 #lifelog

Added 1 new record to SaaS Starters - https://listskit.com/saasstarters/ #listskit

Posted weekly newsletter - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/shipping-10x-faster #indiejourney

Day 1164 - Dragonball - https://golifelog.com/posts/dragonball-1709944807613 #lifelog

Day 1163 - Ideas scarcity - https://golifelog.com/posts/ideas-scarcity-1709852734147 #lifelog

Added 1 new record to Directory Starters - https://listskit.com/directorystarters/ #listskit

Breakfast chat with CE NHB, and visit to National Conservation Centre #outsprint #socialimpactpatronage

Reschedule research session again for another respondent no-show due to fever #outsprint

First meeting being volunteer on Advisory Panel for Digital Innovation at National Heritage Board - love the spirited riffing and discussions for 4h! πŸ”₯ #outsprint #socialimpactpatronage

Conducted, co-facilitated half day design thinking workshop for gov Ministry #outsprint

Day 1162 - Sweet surrender - https://golifelog.com/posts/sweet-surrender-1709761951400 #lifelog

πŸ˜“ Resolve issue with client where respondent did not have a key criterion. Contacted all remaining respondents to double check they all fulfil that criterion! #outsprint

More fixes to the newly launched dark mode template - https://listskit.com/darkmode-demo/ #listskit