Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 1151 - Take a simple idea and take it seriously - https://golifelog.com/posts/take-a-simple-idea-and-take-it-seriously-1708825361324 #lifelog

Published weekly newsletter - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/held-hostage-by-best-practices #indiejourney

Updated hero background images for Lists Kit and SaaS Starters #listskit

Scheduled more respondents, updated spreadsheet with confirmed interviews in chronological order for client #outsprint

Day 1150 - Held hostage by best practices - https://golifelog.com/posts/held-hostage-by-best-practices-1708744415431 #lifelog

Sent out final round of confirmations to schedule research sessions with selected respondents #outsprint

Just got +$9 MRR increase due to annual subscription! New MRR: $137/m. Thanks @ phaidenbauer for the support! #lifelog

Day 1149 - Busy busy busy - https://golifelog.com/posts/busy-busy-busy-1708642502536 #lifelog


what kind of workshops are you running? Congrats on securing those though it diverts the focus from your own products.

Jason Leow Author

Thanks bro! I run design thinking workshops for gov and non-profits mostly. Been doing this for past 10 years, way before indie hacking. Yeah it diverts but no choice, my products still can't support cost of living


Preparation and mental rehearsal for virtual workshop tomorrow #outsprint

Tweaked copy on hero section some more and meta tags - I think I'm good with it for now... until I figure out customers and positioning

Day 1148 - Horse for sale - https://golifelog.com/posts/horse-for-sale-1708570224540

Day 1147 - Product purity - https://golifelog.com/posts/product-purity-1708466659503

Not went this viral in a loooong time - https://x.com/jasonleowsg/status/1759547251657970136

Day 1146 - Once - https://golifelog.com/posts/once-1708378481657

Fajar Siddiq

Love the write up


Hello, World! First log on new Makerlog

Fajar Siddiq

How was it for you?

Jason Leow Author

Not great but hope more improvements will come