Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Went viral with a reply but would have never known if I didn't accidentally check back. So it's true huh... the reach is in the replies now 🧐 - https://x.com/jasonleowsg/status/1757351611569942645

More conversion copy changes to landing page - followed @NapierHolland's bullet point benefits list style

Day 1140 - I want $10k monthly revenue - https://golifelog.com/posts/i-want-dollar10k-monthly-revenue-1707880033119

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license mega navbar Carrd plugin (US$30 via Payhip-Stripe)...thanks Bella!

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15 via Payhip-Stripe)...thanks redballon!

Added new Directory Starters link to all the free tools sites' footers, and on main landing pg too - https://listskit.com/directorystarters

Day 1139 - Just made Directory Starters - https://golifelog.com/posts/just-made-directory-starters-1707810569063

🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed fixes done over weekend. Now dark mode should no longer persist after publishing, and telegram bot should start posting to Lifeloggers chat group.

Renewed subscription for ChatGPT Plus manually cos my stupid bank randomly blocked the recurring payment

Added 4 new records to Directory Starters - https://listskit.com/directorystarters/

Fixed multiple wrong URLs in Directory Starters that were pointing to commit365. Then shared on Twitter

Day 1138 - The most powerful paradoxes of indie hacking - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-most-powerful-paradoxes-of-indie-hacking-1707708449566

First ever subscriber to my Carrd plugins Youtube channel! - https://www.youtube.com/@pluginsforcarrd

Switched on tax inclusive setting for Payhip after discussing with other indie folks about same feature just released by Lemon Squeezy - the idea is that for larger ticket items like one time purchases, the tax can be substantial and the surprise can turn buyers off. So by absorbing it, maybe we can convert more customers even if at less profit...

Added 2 more records to Directory Starters directory - https://listskit.com/directorystarters/

Day 1137 - Spring cleaning - https://golifelog.com/posts/spring-cleaning-1707623773712

🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed dark mode bug where it persisted even after published, and added Lifeloggers handle to notifyTelegram fn in order to add bot to the chat group

🍑 Got my THIRD sale! Premium license (US$97 via Payhip-Stripe)... thanks @zackgilbert !

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/lists-kit-launch-retrospective

My little Carrd chat group on Telegram just hit 100 members - https://t.me/carrdchat