Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Paid US$25 for Carrd youtube influencer


Awesome. Let me see how she promotes :)

Jason Leow Author

Yep. To mention my carrd plugins at start of her Carrd build video, and also add link to video description


Wrote tutorial for roll up text animation Carrd plugin cos people keep asking me - https://rolluptextanimation.carrd.co/

[Satire:] Made a new free & open source repo on Github to help indie hackers succeed. Only 1 Javascript function needed πŸ˜‚ - https://github.com/jasonleow/indiehackingjs/blob/main/indiehacking.js

Built in a few hours and published new Carrd plugin and template - the A/B testing sections plugin template - https://a-b-testing.carrd.co/

Completed and submitted job interview assignment for Lead, Senior Lead - User Insights & Service Design (SGN, EDB)

Day 1118 - indieHacking() - https://golifelog.com/posts/indiehacking-1705978070720

Added golifelog.com to Shipr Uptime Monitor (Google Sheets-based uptime monitoring by Yash @yhdesai) - https://forms.gle/gAPx6tABDESUkTZt6

Added listskit.com to Shipr Uptime Monitor (Google Sheets-based uptime monitoring by Yash @yhdesai) - https://forms.gle/gAPx6tABDESUkTZt6

Added plugins.carrd.co to Shipr Uptime Monitor (Google Sheets-based uptime monitoring by Yash @yhdesai) - https://forms.gle/gAPx6tABDESUkTZt6

Completed research and first draft of job interview assignment for Lead, Senior Lead - User Insights & Service Design (SGN, EDB)

Day 1117 - Mindful-less - https://golifelog.com/posts/mindful-less-1705889410668

Woke at 4am to work on and test dark mode... Kidding. Just enjoy starting early on weekends, not just for dark mode

Added localStorage to dark mode on /write page for saving preference – okay now it really is completed. Updated roadmap.

Day 1116 - The years that ask questions and years that answer - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-years-that-ask-questions-and-years-that-answer-1705830231142

🍟 Side project weekend: Key style fixes for dark mode on /write page. Made buttons and containers more consistent in dark mode colors. Finally completed dark mode for /write page!

1115 - Here's to the good old days - https://golifelog.com/posts/heres-to-the-good-old-days-1705738282655

Jason Leow Author

Thanks bro. The writing sounds cliche but it came from the heart

Jason Leow Author



Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/two-types-of-consistency

Improved copy, added "curated by" in hero and about sections, fixed bug in horizontal scrolling for SaaS Starters - https://listskit.com/saasstarters

Finally fixed bug that I spent ALL DAY yesterday to solve. In 5min. The solution was so simple I wanted to face palm myself - just change the name of the scroll() function to something else, like scroller(). Cos there's probably another function by the same name within Carrd itself

Day 1114 - Surface area for bad luck - https://golifelog.com/posts/surface-area-for-bad-luck-1705630889189

Day 1114 - Surface area for bad luck - https://golifelog.com/posts/surface-area-for-bad-luck-1705630889189

Spent the day trying to fix a bug that a paying customer faced for Mobile Navbar Pro plugin (https://mobilenavbarpro.carrd.co), but no solution cos it's conflicting with some hidden scripts native to Carrd itself. First time having such a tough problem with Carrd, no avail even after all day debugging with ChatGPT4. Will try again tmr!