Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

🍟 Side Project Weekend: Work-in-progress for dark mode on /write and /compose page.. (still need to add localStorage for saving dark mode setting)

🍟 Side Project Weekend: Changed notifyTelegram() to get bot to notify when ANY user publishes a post. Will invite Kayla bot to Lifeloggers group so that people can get notified of a post being published.

🍟 Side Project Weekend: Fixed functions related to checkboxes so that it doesn't break /write and /compose page in !isAuthenticated mode.

Day 1108 - 2 types of consistency - https://golifelog.com/posts/2-types-of-consistency-1705129995634

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/what-emotions-do-your-business-contribute

Bug fixes to SaaS Starter - https://listskit.com/saasstarters/ - added flex to filter tags to fix weird widths, fixed CTA button text, added fade in for sticky badge after scrollY 100px to not crowd out hero section with too many animated buttons, fixed meta tags, favicon, media query fixes to hero h1, navbar logo

Submitted required video interview recordings for job interview at EDB

Jason Leow Author

Service designer! But no guarantee will get yet… will see


first time I heard of video interview recording. What role are you getting?


Updated profile thumbnail and banner on Twitter - new year new look... but unsure about profile pic, will experiment

Jason Leow Author

Thanks, Schalk! Yeah was feeling kinda bored of the all b&w

Schalk Neethling

I dig it. It has actual personality.


Day 1007 - Just made SaaS Starters - https://golifelog.com/posts/just-made-saas-starters-1705044148832

Added more testimonials (it's filling up now!), and updated footer "Updates" section

Improved on item page template, tweaked meta tags of saas starter

Jason Leow Author

This one? https://listskit.com/saasstarters

Schalk Neethling

Which SaaS starter is this, Jason?


Made a SaaS Starters directory using Lists Kit boilerplate, for marketing - https://listskit.com/saasstarters

Day 1106 - Choose 2 out of 3 - https://golifelog.com/posts/choose-2-out-of-3-1704940939692

Received award announcement from S$90k gov project bid. We didn't win it. But might be a good thing after all cos 🚩

Video call with Singapore Polytechnic UXC folks for intro and onboarding as Adjunct

Based on feedback, updated readme with more tips, added more comments to beta template to guide users

Created new template for a separate listing item page, based on user request

Day 1105 - Season to commit, season to not commit - https://golifelog.com/posts/season-to-commit-season-to-not-commit-1704867600890

Blocked schedule in Feb-Apr for consulting, training workshops - looks like Feb and Mar will be super busy months!

πŸ€‘ Not sent one of these in a while! Sent S$1500 Stripe payment link to freelance web design client for 50% 1st payment

Sent personal info for onboarding as Adjunct Lecturer for Singapore Polytechnic UXC to do design thinking training workshops

Based on user feedback, added more inline comments to guide users, at sticky footer tag and directoryData array - in /demo & blank boilerplate. Updated readme file on beta repo with more tips.