Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Wrote tutorial for double carousel for carousel slider plugin because a customer asked


Managed to fix Heroku Git, thanks to ChatGPT! Deployed the 2 features made over last weekend


⬇️ Download all your posts - either on Google Sheet (which you can then save as CSV or Excel), or download as JSON. Side-note though: If you got years of posts, it'll take quite a long while!

βŒ›οΈ Time hop is here. See what you wrote last year today. I've always felt we got so much writings in archive, and occasionally pulling these up might be helpful to reminiscence, or to review progress.

πŸ›  Also fixed bug on registration page that's been bugging me for the longest time!

Tried deploying all the new features built during past weekend but Heroku Git started giving issues. Still troubleshooting with Mr ChatGPT 😩😩😩

Day 964 - Knowing your season - https://golifelog.com/posts/knowing-your-season-1692669794328

Snapped up keyboard.sg domain as a domaining investment because previous owner lapsed (business shut down I think) - what should i do with this? Was thinking something about mechanical keyboards as that's what the previous owner did... Any ideas? πŸ’‘πŸ€”

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

oooh damn that's a good one!!

Jason Leow Author



Day 963 - Play-driven development: Ideas - https://golifelog.com/posts/play-driven-development-ideas-1692609161773

Let's go with [play-driven development](https://golifelog.com/posts/play-based-development-1692499812341). What should I play with?

I looked through all my open browser tabs to see what I've opened and wanted to keep opened for reference again. Looked through my notes in Telegram, and saved bookmarks on social media. Just creating of quick list of fun and interesting things I'm curious about right now:

- Play with [grammY](https://grammy.dev/), a JS framework for Telegram bots
- Building fun features for Lifelog, like bots, lifespan view,
- Use Pushmore.io Telegram bot for notifications
- Use Logsnag to show iOS notifications
- Use [Postmark](https://postmarkapp.com/) and [Crontap](https://crontap.com)/[Cron-job](https://cron-job.org/) to create a email drip course?
- Create ghetto versions of analytics, A/B testing plugins
- Create simple tools for people on Twitter. Start simple, like just a form to generate something. An image, a 5s video, something, anything.
- Simple database to store small pieces of standalone data, like using Google Sheets to store text for an announcement banner I made. Like instead of an entire table of a db, I just need 1 row out of the whole table where I can CRUD. Or not even a row, but a key/value pair, or just a snippet of JSON.
- Websites or writings that would last 'forever' on the internet, even past my lifetime.

Some patterns I'm observing about my curiosities:

- No AI. Still feels out of my league to try.
- Lots of stuff about Telegram I realised. I truly love that app.
- Tiny tools - easier to try and use, get set up.
- Ghetto tools - goes with my rookie dev status

*What are you curious about?*

Day 962 - Play-driven development - https://golifelog.com/posts/play-based-development-1692499812341

[A masterclass hidden in a long reply here by @levelsio](https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1688910420273197056?s=20), on how he got started with the whole AI game:

- started 11 months ago
- played with Stable Diffusion, realised it was good for generating beautiful architecture homes
- made thishousedoesnotexist.org, realised people used it for interior a lot
- pivoted to interiorai.com, it went viral and made $50k MRR
- realised can add pics of himself and made avatarai.me, made $100k
- realised avatars are a fad, pivoted to photo shoots and made photoai.com

Love this approach. There’s no masterplan, no vision (at least at the start). Every idea gave more ideas and led to the next breakthrough one. Everything is emergent, and all you need to do is to take the next step.

Start with curiosity.
Build one thing.
One thing leads to building another thing.
And another…

And my favourite part of this is... it all started from curiosity, from just playing with something – a new technology, a new tool, or something shiny.

Get curious
Play, have fun
Ship something
Sense opportunity
Respond, pivot

Probably one of my top favourite way to start any product, through play!

It's perfect timing of a message, as I'm trying to rest and play more first right now after my [consulting season](https://golifelog.com/posts/how-the-body-teaches-rest-1692238180728).

Play, and maybe something good will come out of it. If not, I still won because of the mental break I got.

🍟 Side project weekend: Added a way to download an archive of all your posts, via Google Sheets!

- click a link of existing Google Sheet document (with embedded script in Apps Script) to make a force copy it to user's Google Drive
- copy and paste a import JSON formula into cell of Sheet
- all posts load into Sheet

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/remember-when-you-wanted-what-you

Day 961 - A 1700 streak, in perspective - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-1700-streak-in-perspective-1692434143445

Yesterday I wrote about my [1700 consecutive days streak](https://golifelog.com/posts/makerlog-1700-1692319643083) of shipping on Makerlog.

I wish I can you how crazily successful I am because I shipped everyday for over 4 years.

But I'm not.

Faaar from it, in fact.

I'm just at $1k monthly revenue. That's like rookie numbers. I'm at the indie hacker baby stage only. I'm still struggling to grow my products. I've not hit any product with growth potential to go to say, $10k per month. Hell, I'm even struggling to even [launch new ones right now](https://golifelog.com/posts/how-the-body-teaches-rest-1692238180728).

That streak number means nothing in the larger scheme of things. At least for me. My goals, my dreams. It's really a throughput metric, not the output or outcome. Not the endgame.

The final endgame, the real number that ultimately matters is money in the bank, the blank days in your calendar.

It's how many laughs I've seen my kid laughed.
It's how many smiles I've seen my wife smiled.
It's how many trips I went on with my family.
It's how many night we slept soundly knowing we're well-provided for.
It's the assurance my parents feel in their retirement years.

Those are the real numbers.

Coffee chat and meeting with Exec Dir of non-profit client I've been working with all this year

Post-mortem: Got new ideas and proposals to pitch for new work!

Preparation, setting agenda, reading through past feedback, for coffee chat meeting with Exec Dir of non-profit client

Manually scheduled emails to remind free trial users 3 days in advance that $10 subscription charge will be starting soon

Day 960 - Makerlog 1700 - https://golifelog.com/posts/makerlog-1700-1692319643083

Just hit 1700 day streak on Makerlog.

This might be the last time I talk about my Makerlog streak because by 31 Oct it will be gone - the new Makerlog will no longer have streaks.

So... some parting thoughts:

- It's not as crazy or unhealthy as you think. It's not about working like crazy 24/7, weekdays and weekends. It's just 1 task a day. The task can be small. But it has to be a real task. For me, the one task that ensured I kept up this long was my daily writing here on Lifelog, about indie hacking, products, experiments, ideas, or just life. I write, then log it over at Makerlog. As long as I write, my streak will keep going.

- In a way, 1700 could have been my writing streak too because I started on Makerlog on the same day I started daily writing on the now-defunct 200wordsaday. That is if I didn't intentionally break the writing streak to build Lifelog (after 200WAD closed down). Pretty nostalgic to think about those days when I started logging and writing... I was on a digital nomad trip in Ubud, Bali. First time nomading, and in my early days of indie hacking. I remember working from cafes every day, and launching my Wordpress-based products there (that's the only tech stack I knew back then). 1700 days is over 4 years, which sounds about right how long I've been shipping.

- Even though I 'celebrate' the streak, it's hardly the main motivation anymore. In the initial days, yes. Not wanting to break the streak does help a bit in maintaining the habit. But I remember, after about 2 years, that number doesn't matter no more. The habit's ingrained, the system runs itself, and I'm doing it because of a deeper why, because I enjoy it (I mean, daily writing). It's no longer about the streak. At some points I remember the Makerlog logging API going down, and I wondered if the streak will break. After a few minutes, I realised I don't really care that much. But that is not to say that the streak is a useless mechanism. It's super useful in the early days of habit formation, at least for me. But once instrinsic motivation takes over, it becomes just a nice-to-have external artefact to look at.

- Enthusiasm is easy, endurance is hard. Over the 1700 days, I seen so many promising indie makers come and go on Makerlog. Some burn out and drop out, others move on to fulltime jobs, some just disappear without a trace. All burst into the scene with fireworks, and a fire in their eyes and belly. What separates enthusiasm from the endurance? I wish I had some pithy wisdom bomb to share. I wish I knew. But one thing's for sure, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Here's to the 1700. And to the old Makerlog being witness to my indie hacker baby days.



Jason Leow Author



Paid Carrd influencer US$26.50 via Paypal for this month's sponsorship

- Mention + link in Youtube bio
- Mention + link in their carrd, community post or tweet

πŸ”₯ Hit 1700 day streak on Makerlog!

Fajar Siddiq

Makerlog should do ads revenue! haha for verify or those have hit 1000 days of streaks

Josh Manders Staff

When we launch the leaderboards, streaks will be converted to points.


Created Mastodon account, posted first "Hello, World!" post - https://mas.to/@pluginsforcarrd

Scheduled Facebook posts for the week - first time using Meta Business Suite 🧐🀨

Jason Leow Author

yeah same. it's so confusing the UX. thankfully this isn't a regular thing

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i get heartburn every time i have to use anything Meta-related (other than WhatsApp…)


Created Facebook page, posted first post! - https://www.facebook.com/pluginsforcarrd

Jason Leow Author

Thanks bro! Appreciate the support! πŸ™Œ

Fajar Siddiq



REFUNDED - ~~πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license video button Carrd plugin (US$30 via Payhip-Stripe)... thanks Adam!~~

Fixed bugs in video button plugin on prompting by potential customer - replaced demo Vimeo video with one that has sound, and replaced broken Facebook video link

[UPDATE:] And he bought it!
[UPDATE 2:] And he asked for refund cos it wasn't up to his expectations 😩 Refunded.