nhentai search
nhentai scraping
Attempt to make Adolla slightly work on iOS 9 through Babel
Add CORS headers
Create JSON endpoints
Joined the awesome club ππ
Finish goals page and fix bugs
Mess around with boot camp
Submit functionality for goals
Add functionality to goal items in list so they can be clicked to be selected
Write my first Twitch bot
Read from goals data
It may not sound like a lot, but it was a considerable amount of work :P
Build CSS inliner with Nuxt and Monaco
It immediately became redundant but it taught me never to attempt to write a CSS parser myself :P
Added starships.me to "recent projects" on website
https://jipfr.nl, https://jipfr.nl/starships-me
Style Sanity CMS
Saw season finale of Discovery :O
Fix "relevant ships" title when no ships are relevant
Not exactly a great look to have an empty section like that: see https://starships.me/hello-world versus https://starships.me/update-starship-modularity