Josh Manders
Founder @ NiftyCo && Chief Makerlogger
add endorsable skills on my github profile
outline the primary components of
start another give away
when you create an app, display the app placeholder until you deploy.
deploy an example app to infra
resend first email to subscribers
add Primcloud to
get landing page up, and announce
continued education on internals of kubernetes
set due date for MVP as August 17th, 2020
get complete automation working for determining next version of package, writing release notes, publishing release on github and publishing package on github npm package registry
git 🔥 tip
start CICO / portion control
destroy old dokku instance
migrate to new kubernetes cluster
setup github actions to build docker image, push to github docker registry and notify kubernetes cluster to pull and rolling update applications
migrate to kubernetes and destroy old server
deploy first website on kubernetes
register for landing page hosting
tweet out manifesto