Josh Manders
Founder @ NiftyCo && Chief Makerlogger
publish manifesto
deploy dogfoodable version of
wire up the whole flow of filling out a subscribe box, submitting, clicking confirm link in email, and getting welcome email (if enabled in
get typeorm setup and write first set of migrations
write new blog post
Happy High Five Friday Makers!
update reservation history items to check for user's name and display that over email if user exists
implement new reservation history page
weekly retrospect meeting
add more end-to-end tests to cover adding payment workflow
write scraper for competitor
get end-to-end tests done utilizing
write how to on getting started working on gatsby powered marketing site
create more informative landing / coming soon page
research deployments with kubernetes
get jest and unit tests setup
publish v0.1.0 of moleculer-service
mark jemini abandoned and archive the repo.
get e2e tests setup with cypress
get into MicroConf Connect slack