
Maker of Fightie / Copicake

Just released 1.3.0 !

1. brand-new 1RM calculator
2. kg <-> lbs converter for each set
3. performance enhancement to load histories (with pagination now!)

still have a lot to do :)

received a mail about partnership LOL Will investigate more and see what's going on!

I finally moved everything from Japan back to home town after 1-month preparations, finally got time to work on projects!

got featured on betalist today :D (or yesterday because of timezone difference)

used to train shoulders! result -> https://fightie.com/history/7E9CA267-7DCF-4D26-B128-EA927BFC080F

cloud sync feature is working so well :D just one click to sync to the cloud from the app, then boom everything shows up on the server!

bought 14 new workout materials for and need to do some image editing works first before integrating into apps.

released "claim username" & "public profile url" to web! -> live result https://fightie.com/user/@eragonj

investigate how to migrate from Realtime Database to Firestore Database