
Maker of Fightie / Copicake

day work

Carl Poppa 🛸

Lol you can do itttttt 💪

Ryu Author

thanks Carl, keep fighting !!


setup contact page to

users can now send emails to us directly or send it through an online contact page!

Tried to generate images for

Just noticed that there are so many things that can be improved in the editor LOL

Just released version 1.5.0 yayy

It only takes Apple's review team 1 night to finish the review 😲 so fast!

finally implemented pretty native ad

it took me a few hours to figure out how to make it happen! Even though it's hard but the final result looks awesome and the ad is aligned with my own design! Will monitor and share back about how free ad works :)

added "support independent development" section to

It would be nice to be as transparent as possible and tell the users what they are paying for :) Let's see how it works!
Carl Poppa 🛸

i'm all for transparency. i'd remove the word 'gorgeous'

Ryu Author

lol thanks for the comment Carl, let me change it! Thanks


added 10 new exercises to

so many tedious works behind including image editing, preparing how-to steps... etc XD

switched into BETA stage

Copicake is 100% done for MVP and I just removed every "Preview" wording and moved it into BETA stage. Hope makers can give it a try and leave me some feedbacks :D