Automate Drupal installation with drush-si command.
Create new form mode per user role.
Create custom serial number starting with specific letters per taxonomy term.
Create state variable to save the last generated serial number.
Generate a custom serial number for node once it gets approved in workflow.
Generate a custom serial number for node once it gets approved in workflow.
Create master form mode to show all fields for admin user only.
Create custom user management add/edit/list routes with custom permission.
Create form mode to allow edit only photos field.
Define general method to get node data with customized structured data.
Define new view style with custom template and allow admin to use this style for view rows.
Alter view results and show custom template for each view row.
Trying to use Tailwind CSS with Claro theme.
Change form mode depend on user permissions.
Create Geolocation field and setup OpenStreetMap for form and display.
Create new module for default content setup.
Allow user to use user edit without giving administer users permission.
Use custom form mode for user edit and set it as default for custom role.
Create API to list all terms with no parents.
Create new queue to review and retry to send some nodes to an internal system.
Review user roles and merge some roles.
Allow override customized phrases from local translation files.
Configure Form modes to allow some roles to add user using specific form mode only.
Alter user edit form local task and override page title.
Alter field widget and change it for specific context.