Create help page with some direct URL for some module internal pages and forms.
Create custom page as a sub task for specific user pages.
Add some phrases to translation file and automate the translation import.
Write query to get all nodes that have been in a specific workflow states more than 3 times.
Restrict admin user login to a specific IP.
Create entity reference field targeting terms and load child terms using form AJAX.
Create location field using Google Maps and fill custom address fields by click.
Trying to create custom Drush command to delete specific content type nodes.
Upgrade custom module from 8 to 9.
Enhance my log summary to include critical log messages without duplicate.
Create automated job to send log summary everyday to my email.
Create local task page for all nodes from specific content type.
Create custom form for multiple content types.
Create Tax field for the calculated tax value for invoice content type instead of on fly calculation.
Create new helper to make sure the same log has never been logged before. to be used for some logs using ultimate log.
List all nodes and join custom DB table using user id to get fields from custom table.
Create new API service to be used to load clean terms data by vocabulary name.
Create new API service to save node and change the workflow state programmatically.
Use webform helpers to get webform submission details programmatically.
Install backup AC device to keep my office AC always connected to WiFi.
Configure security kit and remove duplicate headers.
Review file entity and temporary files mechanism with file usage.
Save file programmatically and add file usage for related entity.
Integrate views with a custom DB table to list all records and join node table.
Disabling the file AJAX process on a custom node form.