
Create a link-in-bio using Google Sheets. For creators & indie hackers.

Chat with Neil Witten (Sheet2Site) about possible business partnership/collab opportunities

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ WOOHOOO!!! Got my first free trial sign-up!!! Thanks Ryan!

Improved copy under Pricing to be led by free trial instead

Thanks to @benlkatz for the suggestion!

Gave in and added CSS (since no one signed up for free trial after launch)! Basic styles like fonts and margins. But after reading the article by nngroup, realised that I can still stay with the brutalist/anti-design vibe but have some CSS/JS, good visual hierarchy

Read up about the larger brutalist/antidesign movement behind this no-design landing page that I stumbled on to:
Jason Leow Author

Haha thanks Carl! I'm still super grateful for your prompting 2 months ago to keep it raw. Now trying to stay with the spirit of it even if I do add some CSS

Jason Leow Author

Heh yeah it definitely started some conversations and got people sending me concerned DMs!


Shared launch on more Telegram chat groups - Lion City Makers, Isolated Founders

Added header caption to explain the no-design look...let's see what happens

πŸ€” LOL this is either funny or worrying.. someone just DMed me out of concern that my Sheet2Bio landing page isn't loading correctly!

I had to tell him it's intentional. So this raw HTML no-BS landing page will either stand out and 1000x or go to 0... a gamble alright!

I did not read the footer first time

Jason Leow Author

@goforbg Oooops haha. How do you feel after reading the footer that it was intentional? (and of cos, seeing the actual link-in-bio pages)


πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Aaaaand it's LAUNCHED (on Twitter)!!!

Here's the launch tweet! πŸ”₯

Would love if you could RT/QT it! But if you prefer not to RT, a reply to the tweet would be awesome too!

Thanks so much! 😊

Scheduled tweet for Twitter launch, edited it 10x, double-checked everything... enough already let's LAUNCH!

🀞 Applied for $5k Tweethunter grant for indie hackers

Random opportunity: Posted Sheet2Bio launch on Imgur

Designed new meta image, which also happens to be the launch image

Also updated social preview image on Twitter using the twitter Card Validator.

Most of the time the card won't update if you just use your domain URL. Add a parameter suffix to the end of your domain URL e.g. /?123 and it'll update the main domain's social preview image

More research and writing on best practices for pre-, peri- and post-launch activities and tweets

πŸš€ Will you help support? πŸ‘‰ Launch date for Sheet2Bio on Twitter: Coming Thursday, May 26th

I'd be super grateful if I can get your support that day!

Please reply "πŸ’ͺ" below if you wish to help spread the word.

Will DM you on Twitter about the launch only if you replied. Thank you!
Jason Leow Author

Awesome @danielcodex ! Thanks for your support!! 😍 Will DM you!


πŸ’ͺ how can i help?


πŸš€β² Research and planning for Twitter launch on Thu 26 May!

Created sheet2bio Gmail address and transferred ownership of all folder/files to it

πŸ‘Œ THAT'S IT - Sheet2Bio is DONE! I'm ready to start accepting payments. Only thing left now is to launch it!