
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

tweet Valentine’s Day joke https://twitter.com/wip/status/1096089345755353090?s=21

Enable SSL certs via certbot and redirect all plaintext traffic to ssl on nginx conf

add remote job posting markup https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/job-posting?utm_source=wnc_20079861&utm_medium=gamma&utm_campaign=wnc_20079861&utm_content=msg_110184398&hl=en

prevent duplicate twitch notification in chat when user keeps reconnecting

Fix all problems and get Linux vps to host and serve multiple rails instances from the same server without any problem!!!! omg i'm so happy

Spend way too many hours trying to configure a Linux box as my rails server, without any success. I’m worthless, all my life has been a big lie.

add @camerondare @johnonolan @andreyazimov @thepatwalls to my Twitch host list

figure out why IRL streaming was laggy AF because I was connecting to Twitch US East Coast server, but now I’m connected to Twitch Singapore and it’s fast af

add “FEELS 36’C” feels like label so people know it’s heat index feels like temperature not real temperature

Make capistrano work with puma and nginx and unix sockets so it actually delivers the rails app it should

live stream on Twitch day 4 w/ @andreyazimov @marckohlbrugge https://www.twitch.tv/videos/379398077