The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Go through a pain of a dependency hell to achieve a midly successful capistrano deploy taking a git repo
Learn about Capistrano and passenger
Set up vpn with rails, puma, nginx and all that to replace my heroku instances
break Minaal backpack after 2 years
live stream IRL day 3 with @camerondare + !joy https://www.twitch.tv/videos/378827934
tweet about for @adriaanvanrossum https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1094844599296712705
fix Showing All / Clustering toggle button stuck on showing all
Design "final" logo version in different styles/options
Work on a bunch of logo options until I found something I like
reduce items on join modal so it fits 1366x768 https://twitter.com/rafid059/status/1094592191337357313
fix peace score that was flipped reverse so it made Syria the most peaceful place and Tokyo a warzone (r u reading this @neosilky)
make legend flip order if activeSortOrder flips and add decimal count
fix username sanitizing lets users set $*&$ as username which becomes blank username (thanks @stevelacey)
fix giant clearbit logos on city modals on mobile
book Bali villa with @marckohlbrugge
fix /near-me page https://nomadlist.com/cities-near-me/by/distance
use correct S3 buckets when cloning product to development
calculate average color for each product logo
eat Taiwanese fish pancake
fix @scotbrills trips account https://twitter.com/scottbrills/status/1094372542993829888
fix /settings table rekt due to mobile/desktop layout responsiveness
report to TWIP after raising prices by 50%
add 30-day money back guarantee to test
make Log In a link not a button to push to click JOIN button
Deep Learning module 1: convolutional neural nets