The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
meet @marckohlbrugge and win 🐳 whale
meet Okinawa friend for 🌮taco rice and ☕️ coffee
add unique index to user_id (only one Twitch::User per WIP user) and twitch_user_id (can’t have the same Twitch user for multiple WIP users) on Twitch::User
renew twitch webhook lease
clarify not every startup will be included in newsletter
use custom text selection color
book flight Taipei - Bali
do customer support on mail
take bus to Naha, Okinawa
Fully set up AI dev environment with Python 3.7.2
create Twitch::User and Twitch::Stream objects for more flexiblity
do more support on Twitter
use graphql-request for cleaner requests w/ variables, etc
don’t expire oauth access tokens (because annoying having to refresh them)
do customer support via Twitter
add onboarding oauth flow
replace api token with oauth
go to aquarium full of imprisoned animals sad :(
Add BoJack horseman quote