
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

add "You shipped today" message in menubar if user already shipped something that day h/t @TiborUdvari

add ‘development mode’ toggle to easily enable development mode (uses localhost API)

Customer Support: Doydle and Tommy alarms still firing after uninstall

fix Legal Residency Calculator not showing for people with <10 trips (for @travmonkey)

respond to Indiehackers fake news https://www.indiehackers.com/forum/what-happens-after-3-products-in-3-months-8139df0ef1?commentId=-LX34L3mCT9jnP7_R-4m

send @devildust21 Twitch streamer free account after he used it on live stream

Attend IndieHackers' first Madrid Meetup (pic from yesterday) h/t @sanderfish

Make smooth settings pane animation by animating the translate property and not the width property

Move background image to its own component to optimize re-renders and performance