
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

fix if no results apiFilterItems.php would error because average() couldn't calc any avg based on data

fix Try when filtering on mobile Fast Internet Warm Latin America then switch to North America you see ALL cities in between

add new coworking data partnership with andcards.com to put their spaces on

fix uptimerobot alert https://nomadlist.com/@levelsio?format=tripMap and replace with https://nomadlist.com/@levelsio?format=screenshot

fix when moderator silences the email notice sent says they're silenced not the target user

Performance analysis to know which components are slowing the first load of the react app

solve period due to Stripe bug where period_start - period_end is wrong on first charge, to fix use only period_end as period description on payment history

update bank account in old Stripe NL to NL personal account for remaining balance