
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Add click event listener on user onboard so its not confusing for them what to do

Pure CSS Twitter follow button replacement to avoid loading extra css+js from external resources

Optimize re-renderings by implementing shouldComponentUpdate and using some PureComponents

Make manifest's content_security_policy accept both self and remote scripts so that I can load Stripe 🎉

Customer support: Owen trying to donate but PayPal charging a high fee

Customer support: update key db to help Nic switch computers to use Hustl

Customer support: James' license key not working on a reparied Mac whose logic board had been replaced

Confirm availability to teach big data stuff to HR people in executive program

disable email notifications for Stripe disputes cause I never win them anyway (ok can u stop talking about stripe disputes we get it, ok ill stop talkign about, is this water)

increase refund policy from 14 days to 30 days cause i'm a nice person thx

realise I can't play a sound for new messages due to new browser restrictions