Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Scheduled very first Substack newsletter! For release of testimonial tweets plugin - https://pluginsforcarrd.substack.com/p/testimonial-tweets-plugin

Released testimonial tweets plugin (https://testimonialtweets.carrd.co/) in Telegram, Reddit and Facebook groups



πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license mega navbar Carrd plugin (US$30)...thanks Austin!

Day 774 - Platform risks everywhere, part 2 - https://golifelog.com/posts/platform-risks-everywhere-part-2-1676253343336

First [Twitter](https://golifelog.com/posts/twitter-platform-risk-1671411641106), then [Stripe](https://golifelog.com/posts/platform-risks-everywhere-1676106319991), now Heroku:

> My @heroku account has been deleted, bringing down all my applications. No message, no email. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?? ...Quite the audacity to not send a single email either. – [@dannypostmaa](https://twitter.com/dannypostmaa/status/1624689089332281344)

Platform risks everywhere. I feel like I don’t know these platforms anymore...

Some might object that these rug pulls are just remote, theoretical possibilities. But that's the thing. We don't know for sure how high the exposure is for us because that's the nature of black swan events. It's belong to unknown unknowns, not known unknowns.

But with monthly stories like this on Hacker News [[1](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32854528)] [[2](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33743750)], and stories of Paypal randomly freezing funds, hosting platforms shutting down servers, it's not a stretch to think it can't happen to anyone, even smaller players like us indie solopreneurs.

What's the solution then?

- Backup backup backup
- Get insurance coverage
- Diversify

Multi-cloud, multi-payment processor, multi-income streams.

Host not just on Heroku, but at least have back-ups or secondary instances running on Render, MongoDB Atlas, AWS. Offer not just Stripe but PayPal, PayPal credit card, ChargeBee, CoinBase, Amazon Payments, Alipay, crypto. Offer payments outside of major credit card networks and payment platforms, like services provided by local banks.

Double or triple work be damned.

Crazy I know. Especially for indies and startups who don't even have the time and bandwidth to be spread out across so many platforms. But short cuts don't sidestep reality. And that's the reality of financial and payments industry. Something to think about. And for the edge cases where you can't *multi-* your way out off, there's commercial insurance to consider for coverage.

And these incidents totally reminded me of being diversified in ways that platforms can't touch you. Because these platforms aren't services that we can switch away easily. These are the shovel platforms in the gold rush, fundamental internet infrastructure services that you can't run away from if you're a digital business.

That's why I'm even more grateful for my consulting work with local government organisations now! That income stream is outside of credit card networks, payment platforms, and not even really on the internet. Government payments to vendors will never be blocked by banks. Bunker-level hedge against platform risks there.

The one question that I'll leave fellow indie solopreneurs with to ponder (including myself):

*What's stopping a critical infrastructure/platform that your business depend on to randomly terminate your account? How prepared are you for that unknown unknown?*

Created keyboard shortcut feature for markdown preview

Hit "esc" and see markdown preview

Registered ($40 one-time) an Alternate Address for business entity on ACRA

Registered for virtual office address ($50/y) with vofficesingapore.com

My very first Lemon Squeezy payment notification (since moving over from Flurly yesterday)! But realised I will no longer receive Stripe mobile notifications for my plugins or get any data in it... low key sad πŸ˜•

Jason Leow Author

Yeah they don't have app yet. Haha yes maybe can explore Lemon S to IFTTT/Zapier to Telegram. Now I'm also reconsidering options AGAIN cos I prefer to route through Stripe.. thinking of Payhip.

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

they don't have a mobile app? can set up Telegram notifs i guess haha


πŸ’΅ Sold possibly my very first single license startup bundle of Carrd plugins (US$75) outside of the Black Friday deal...thanks Alex!

Day 773 - 3 years - https://golifelog.com/posts/3-years-1676154651089

Tomorrow the last of the COVID restrictions in Singapore will be lifted. Most of the social distancing restrictions are already lifted but mask-wearing on public transport stuck around. Tomorrow, we hit 100%. The inter-ministry work team is also disbanded. A signal that normalcy is back.

For good.

The first COVID case in Singapore was reported on Jan 23, 2020. So we've just passed 3 years.


If you're reading thisβ€”anyone reading this; breaking the fourth wall hereβ€”well done, you. We survived.

And I thought it's important to acknowledge youβ€”whoever you are reading thisβ€”because of this line I chanced upon:

> "I wasn't myself for months and no one noticed"

I felt that. It really resonated. Hard. Personal story.

We were *all* not ourselves for months and nobody noticed. Because everyone was struggling. No one was spared. The virus was totally democratic and affects everyone, young and old, rich and poor, happy or sad.

Some days I walk around in town, and everyone seems happy and going about lives in a normalcy we craved so badly for just 2 years ago, and I get a sense of disconnect. Are we supposed to just move on like that? After all that collective trauma and hardship?

If you've never been acknowledged for surviving and perservering through, I want to do that for you now.

I see you. You did it.

*We* did it.

It's okay now.

We're fine now. You're fine now.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

my face is happy, can finally recover from mask acne

Jason Leow Author

finally can breathe freely


Day 772 - Platform risks everywhere - https://golifelog.com/posts/platform-risks-everywhere-1676106319991

Woke up this morning to news that [Flurly got shut down by Stripe](https://flurly.com/blog/flurly-stripe-shutdown) with zero notice. All my Carrd plugins are on Flurly, so that means no one can buy my products! Not the 5am morning I expected, but dived into crisis mode. Scrambled all day to move my Carrd plugins over to Lemon Squeezy.

Quickly researched the top payment providers I knew from previous conversations – Lemon Squeezy, Payhip, Thrivecart. In the end, decided on Lemon S because:

- The UX was more fresh and modern. Saw a [tweet](https://twitter.com/_insiteful/status/1617277307496050688) before that it converts better – 9.6% conversion rate vs Gumroad 2.8%.
- All the features I need for handling digital downloads, plus more. I like that I can define variants for 1 product for my single license and unlimited license versions.
- Merchant of Record, which in finance dummy speak, safer and more protection for sellers.
- Heard they have an affiliate program coming up... something which I want to explore this year.
- Sadly, fees are higher on Lemon S. Flurly is 1% + 3.7%, compared to Lemon S $0.50 + 5% of total, with extra +1.5% for international payments, extra +1% for PayPal transactions, and +0.5% if I have subscription payments. Napkin calculations shows I got to pay 6.5% at least, and 7.5% if customer pay through Paypal! Trade-offs I guess... hope the benefits outweigh the costs.

Thrivecart’s lifetime deal was tempting though... maybe I can consider that if sales figures and volume go up. Payhip has good community features where members can log in to view premium content, which I might explore for my communities (Lifelog, 5am club) in the future.

### Implications for indies

After all is said and done, can't help feeling worried for JR who made Flurly. I used Flurly all this while from the start, and if anything, not sure he deserves such a ban and a hefty, mysterious $425k fine, and with zero lead time for customers to react, when he had been transparent and trying hard to resolve it.

It's disconcerting to ponder the implications for the rest of us indies.

Reading the [Twitter discussion](https://twitter.com/FlurlyApp/status/1624177183626530816), I also realised a few things:

- Never crossed my mind there's platform risk on Stripe
- Clueless about US/international financial regulations
- Clueless about Stripe T&Cs to prevent getting deplatformed

It feels like the ground is shifting beneath our feet for us indies. Nothing feels safe these days... first an economic recession, then blatant copycatting in the indie scene, then Twitter platform risks, now Stripe.

How can an indie solopreneur prepare for all this?
James Kenny

The whole thing is brutal for everyone involved. But good to hear you were able to find a new place so quickly. Hopefully JR can get it sorted some how that is a heavy fine to have to pay.

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

yeah man… who on earth has that kind of money >_<"


Researched payment providers - Lemon Squeezy, Payhip, Thrivecart. Decided on Lemon S cos UX more fresh+modern, is MoR, features for digital downloads, affiliate pgm coming up. Thrivecart’s LTD is tempting though, and Payhip has good community features

Designed plugin images that fits the container correctly.. next, making new compressed gifs with right size for the other plugins

Compressed all images on home page using compressor.io based on Lighthouse suggestions

Flurly got shut down by Stripe! 😰 Scrambled all morning to move my plugins over to Lemon Squeezy. πŸ˜” Higher % fees on LS (Flurly 1% compared to LS - $0.50 + 5% of total, with extra 1.5% int'l payment, +1% for PayPal txns, +0.5% for subscription payments) but the UX looks more fresh/modern πŸ€”

Day 771 - Calm pursuit of creative flow - https://golifelog.com/posts/calm-pursuit-of-creative-flow-1676023986336

If there's anything that I want more for my work, it is what DHH (creator of Ruby on Rails) described so well in his blog post:

> "...it's the essence of a good work life: A place of calm for interruption-free pursuits of interesting projects. A portal to the state of flow." - [DHH](https://world.hey.com/dhh/how-it-started-how-it-s-going-baefaf09)

He was talking about his old basement office where he made his career-defining projects like Rails, but the main points were these key words:

Interesting projects.
Free of distractions.
Calm pursuit.

That's what I'm after too. At the root.

Yes earning money is important. But it's a necessity, for survival, for family. Making projects that generate revenue isn't what defines creative success for me personally. It's not what can be counted - likes, impressions, page views, followers.

It's about being able to experience flow. The relaxed joy of creating. The calm pursuit of interesting projects, away from the noise of a noisy, noisy world. The aliveness of making something. Anything.

That's what truly counts. That which cannot be counted.

That which can be counted upon to feel a sense of satisfaction for a creative life well lived.

I'll die a happy man, if I could be close to that feeling for most days in a year, for most years in a lifespan.

Just let me create.

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license mega navbar Carrd plugin (US$30)...thanks llcspain!

πŸš€ Launched yet another free Carrd plugin - to embed a wall of selected tweets like testimonial, reviews, social proof - https://testimonialtweets.carrd.co/

The testimonial tweets plugin is launched! Comes with a tutorial this time.

Use it to embed a wall of selected tweets - customer testimonials, reviews, or on any topic.

You can download it for FREE here:

🐦 https://testimonialtweets.carrd.co/
Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl! Making plugins like crazy the past few days. First this. Then dark mode. Today, password-protected sections in Carrd. Funnnn πŸ™Œ

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

love this one


πŸ’΅ Sold possibly my very first single license video button Carrd plugin (US$30)...thanks Mark!

I fixed the bugs the same day he reported, and he bought the plugin the next day. Prompt effort works! πŸ”₯

Day 770 - Right anger - https://golifelog.com/posts/right-anger-1675935721283

Is there such thing as anger that's right and good? Is there such thing as right anger?

The "right" prefix reminded of how the Buddha talked about the Noble Eightfold Path. It's a guide to end suffering, consisting of right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. It's essentially a basket of practices for moral conduct, mental discipline and wisdom.

What if emotionβ€”like angerβ€”can be mastered for good and right conduct too?

I've always felt anger was dirty. It's always associated with poor, disruptive and socially deviant behaviour that gets you in trouble with the law, or at least socially. I avoided the emotion like a plague. But yet the more I suppressed it, the stronger it arises. Or it gets expressed in the body, somatically, as unexplanable rashes or pains.

Lately I've been thinking different.

Maybe that emotion is there for a reason. Maybe it's there to protect us. If someone did something that angered you, it's likely that some personal boundary was crossed, and you should have done a better job at maintaining that boundary but didn't. So anger comes in to guard you. It drives you to act by pumping you up with adrenaline and blood to your head and hands. You feel hot everywhere, and you can't sit still till it gets expressed. Or directed at some action. If anger is fire, it can destroy forests and homes, or it can cook a delicious, nourishing meal for your loved one. We can react reflexively, or we respond mindfully. The emotion is morally neutral. It's what we do with that burst of energy that determines which side of the camp you are.

I've been doing it all wrong all this while.

I can ***use*** it.

Like a cook tending a fire to produce the best, most delicious results.

I can let it guide me out of unwholesome mental conversations.
I can use it to shake me out of passive victim mentality.
I can tap on it to push me to act fast and decisively.
I can allow it to make me stronger.
I can immerse in it to focus better.

I can use anger.

You'll like me when I'm angry.

The right sort of angry.

πŸŒ— Made my own dark mode plugin for Carrd sites using vanilla JS + lots of CSS - my next paid plugin!

darkmodejs was fun to use but it reversed images (into negative images) which I can't find a fix for. In the end, I dropped darkmodejs and used vanilla Javascript and good ol' CSS to flip all the Carrd elements.

πŸŒ— https://darkmodetoggle.carrd.co/

Thanks for the feedback, @CarrdDoni , @AJ10754 ! πŸ™

I think this will be my next paid plugin! πŸ˜‰
Jason Leow Author

Yes! No SCSS, Pug or any of those new libraries/frameworks. Just plain vanilla

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

nothing like good ol' CSS!


Someone asked. I was intrigued to see if it can be done. 1h later...Made a new dark mode Carrd plugin - https://darkmodetoggle.carrd.co/

Someone in the Telegram Carrd chat group asked if toggling dark mode was possible in Carrd. I was intrigued to see if it can be done... challenge accepted! πŸ˜†

1h later... πŸ‘‡

Used this library - https://darkmodejs.learn.uno/

Day 769 - Indie biz is like a restaurant - https://golifelog.com/posts/indie-biz-is-like-a-restaurant-1675844851200

Running a indie business has a lot more overlaps with running a restaurant than we thought. I like how [Ev's tweet](https://twitter.com/evielync/status/1622768668072443905) talks about it:

> After two years of launching a lot of products. There are 3 every creator should have:
> πŸ‘‰ Gateway Product. Something free to get people in the door
> πŸ‘‰ Taster Product. Something small to give people a taste
> πŸ‘‰ Signature Product. Something big that sums up everything you do

Loved the labels - gateway, taster and signature. Feels just like a restaurant! Much better than saying "click funnels", "top/bottom of funnel", "lead gen", isn't it?

That got me thinking: Do I have this set up for each of my products, in those 3 layers? Thinking through:

### Plugins For Carrd
- Gateway:
- Helping the community with their Carrd issues on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, email
- (Future) Blog posts / knowledge base docs
- Newsletter
- Taster:
- Free plugins with limited free support
- Black Friday deals
- Signature:
- Premium paid plugins
- Bundle packages with custom support

### Lifelog
- Gateway:
- Tweets on writing and creator habits
- (Future) self-paced writing course for introverts. Possibly be an automated email drip campaign/course, or a Gumroad standalone download.
- Newsletter
- Taster:
- Free one month trial
- (Future) 1-month non-recurring payment for lower commitment
- (Future) Writing challenges, events
- Signature:
- Full monthly/annual subscription on Lifelog
- Being part of close knit writing community

### Outsprint
- Gateway:
- Posts and tweets on LinkedIn/Twitter providing value and showing social proof/credibility for design
- Free downloads of design tools
- Taster:
- 1-day Jumpstart workshop
- Short freelance stints
- Career conversation cards
- Design card decks
- Signature:
- Design sprint consultancy
- Consultancy on retainer
- Training/Coaching programme

Overall a great framework to think through with! So much more clarity thinking in these 3 layers. Thanks Ev! πŸ™

Potential customer reported a bug in video button plugin where audio continues playing even though video is clicked away out of display. Fixed it and updated landing page and download files. Hope this lands a new customer! πŸ€‘