Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Video call with potential web design client, but their needs are not suited for JAMstack. Despite, offered tips and resources for site optimisation. Always give value, even if not customer!

Got wonky autocomplete typing for @mention feature working somehow

Learned about watchers on Vue, set up one for the textarea. Borrowed code from another project on Codepen. Progress now: It filters for the username as I type "@..." now, but if I backspace, the selection is stuck on the last username. Only refreshing the page resets it. At least...

Day 53 - Debugging is a linear process https://golifelog.com/posts/debugging-is-a-linear-process-1613975794908

Day 52 - DIY code movement? https://golifelog.com/posts/diy-code-movement-1613886486547

"Sure, there’s always an easier, faster, better, more popular way to do things. But occasionally, just occasionally, it’s also fun to play Survivor. Throw in some artificial constraints, up the ante, get out of that comfort zone and see how far can you go.

Just for the heck of it."

🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ SOLVED it! Finally figured out the @mention feature

I tried using a div instead of a ul-li element but that didnt work.Tried using a select element that is focusable but also didn't quite work in terms of the enter key repeating the username.

Tried a different approach inspired by the ternary conditional. Used a function to listen to the tooltip list, if it's visible, then switch on the text insert function. And it worked!!!

listenEnter() {
const visibleList = document.getElementById("usernamesList").style.visibility;
if (visibleList === "visible") {
return this.onEnter();
} else {
return null;


Now for the last part haha.. autocomplete search through username list as the user types...😫
Jason Leow Author

@Mostdefkima3ff thank you! It's definitely coming together now. Almost…there…


I seriously commend you for pushing through with this super difficult task. Kudos for your progress thus far :)


Some progress on the @mention feature today

Managed to insert username either using mouse click or enter key. Yass! The key piece of code was discovering selectionStart, selectionEnd and setRangeText for html input elements, in order to be able to insert the @username into textarea when user hits the @ key and selects a username from a dropdown list tooltip. Another key part was using $refs in Vue.js to directly access the DOM element of the textarea. (Thanks to @yuyu!)

typeInTextarea(el, newText) {
const [start, end] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd]
el.setRangeText(newText, start, end, 'select')

But now I got an issue with the enter key. When I press enter again after inserting username, instead of adding a new line/carriage return, it inserts the username again (and again and again when I hit enter)! So basically using the enter key for adding a new line is completely shot now. 😵

Found ref, described the @mention functions needed perfectly: https://medium.com/streak-developer-blog/the-complexities-of-implementing-inline-autocomplete-for-content-editables-e358c0ed504b
Jason Leow Author

@Mostdefkima3ff thanks for the suggestion! :) Yeah am aware of tribute and a few others - vue-at, vue-mention. They are in my fallback plans for sure.. I'm trying to give it 1 more day of trying before I give up. And I'm sooo close urgh..like 80-90% there…


The mention stuff is a headache so I opted not to try to do that from scratch. I use At-Who but it's no longer maintained .. the alternative is https://github.com/zurb/tribute if you decide that building it from scratch becomes too much of a hassle. If not, ignore my comments :)


Day 51 - Marketing: Back to basics https://golifelog.com/posts/marketing-back-to-basics-1613807063744

"No wonder I wasn’t any good with marketing, because I just want to talk about the shiny stuff! I assumed that the basics were boring to my customers because I found them boring myself. Huge blindspot there, thankfully spotted early..."

Organic sharing/marketing on Twitter

New search words for #sweetjamsites - "wordpress sucks", "jamstack", "wordpress vs jamstack"

Day 50 - 'Discovering' cold marketing on Twitter https://golifelog.com/posts/discovering-cold-marketing-on-twitter-1613721226197

Not sure why I only discovered this marketing hack for Twitter just yesterday, but I could have just searched for key words for my potential customers (eg frustrated Wordpress site owners, or those into daily writing habits) and then reply tweet to these folks for organic sharing, cold marketing!
Ryan Glass

You just hit the nail on the head - a place where it is OK to shout about your business!

Jason Leow Author

Indeed! And no unreasonable admin gatekeepers!


Organic sharing/marketing on Twitter

Having FUN seems key. Just have fun chatting, riffing, with like-minded (re: writing habits) folks.

Congrats on 800 days!

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Jip!


😅 Finally solved the @mention notification feature! Wow that was hard

Probably wrote the most complicated function ever yet. In fact, over a few functions. Writing it down to remember the lessons:

* detect @ in the username text input inside a textarea, using regex .match(/@\w+/g), and then using map() and substring() to put them into an array without the @ prefix. Mount and watch this function to detect @ as the user types.

* because there's some data from 2 endpoints that needs to be prefetched for the next function to work and I didn't want to figure out how to synchronously chain that data fetching to the @submit event, I wrote a function that runs when user clicks on textarea, using @focus. That way the data is ready way before the comment is submitted.

* then comes the actual function to POST the @mention notifications. Use filter-includes-map or forEach-if-push to create an array of user ids from the username array from the 1st step. Then map() and for() loop through each of these user ids to run the POST request, including 3 if-else-if conditions to prevent double notifications. The hard part was how to compare an array to another array within a if condition! But I realised I just needed a boolean true/false from array2.includes(element) with the element from array1.map(element => ...)
Jason T

Love reading such coding comments!

Jason Leow Author

Hah thanks @jasontxf ! I code, then i decode 😂


Day 49 - Morning recitals & reflections https://golifelog.com/posts/morning-recitals-and-reflections-1613638942437

Every morning at 5am, the first thing I do when I sit down at my workspace is to verbalize my $5k MRR goal to myself.....

“I’ll learn my way towards $5k MRR by end 2021. In return, I’ll have fun growing my indie products, and adhere to a happy, healthy habit system. And I’ll surrender.”

I went into this thinking that it’s a way for me to visualize my goal......But two weeks on, I’m discovering a different reason, a better reason. It’s really for introspection, to reflect if I had diligently studied and put into practice what I claim to aspire towards. First thing in the morning, without distractions, mind clear, room quiet. Nothing to run away to or from. Just plain witnessing, a mirror check on the integrity of my actions to my word. It’s not easy, for sure.

FINALLY! Figured out how to compare 2 different data arrays for the new @mention notificaiton feature. Kudos to my Nuxt mates @yuyu and @keenencharles for all the help! 🍻

I want to compare the 2 arrays arr1 and arr2, and only return the objects where the values for username match. And then filter out only the ids of these matching objects in arr2 into a new array (arr3). I'm using arr3 to POST out the notifications.

forEach() - if() - push()
filter() - includes() - map()



Organic sharing/marketing on Twitter

Liking and following folks
Just chatting casually
Offering tips and hacks
RT to amplify and help

Day 48 - Authenticity requires ambiguity https://golifelog.com/posts/authenticity-requires-ambiguity-1613550092805

If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s. ~ Joseph Campbell

Fixed bug where "Comment posted" snackbar appears again when hitting back to go back to post page

// After 3.5 seconds, add style display:'none' to snackbar

setTimeout(function () {
document.getElementById('snackbar').style.display = 'none'
}, 3500)

Day 47 - Readings for Fund Feb https://golifelog.com/posts/readings-for-fund-feb-1613461230974

I’d been researching and asking around for more resources and material to get deeper on learning about money, marketing and monetization for Fund Feb.

Here’s the one relevant to indie hackers that I’m excited to get into:

Marketing Examples

Indie Hackers Growth Bites

Growth Examples

Zero To Sold

Make book

Side Hustle Stack

Other resources, communities, podcasts and Clubhouse rooms about marketing
Also looking out for more great content, especially podcasts. Found a few Clubhouse rooms about marketing, will probably check them out if they’re just sleazy scams or the real deal.

Anything else I missed?

Tried making my own @mention popover component for textarea for the past 2 days, but failed. Plan B: just install a damned package.

This feels really difficult (to me). Wondering if i should just install a package and be done with it, or if I'm missing something/doing something wrong that's making it so difficult (and that it's actually easier than it seems to me). As a first principle, I'd tried as much as possible to make my own components to reduce dependencies, but am wondering if my situation is at the technical threshold where installing package just makes more sense...

Re-started Facebook ads 15-28 Feb for

Reviewed cost per click for ads promoting website vs send message to bot: S$0.64 vs $12.29 ! Crazy! Good learning. Now to optimize on the former. And WOW, with the Ads app, it's so easy to create/re-start ads. Impressed but also slightly concerned.

Organic sharing/marketing on IH and Twitter

Relevant hashtags and search terms found:

writing habit

Steps: Go for Top tweets under each search query/hashtag first. Once exhausted, then Latest.