Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 726 - Deep December https://writelier.com/deep-december-708c4a0f-b8a9-4d42-8ed9-d43df5609d34

Day 725 - Nutty November wrap-up https://writelier.com/nutty-november-wrap-up-23c46b46-633a-4c43-a62d-dba17fe30b58

Day 724 - Mindful coding https://writelier.com/mindful-coding-ae17894f-69a3-44fd-a413-de8d0ac2141d

Day 723 - Bicycle problems and how there's no promise that the world cares about your mission https://writelier.com/bicycle-problems-and-how-there's-no-promise-that-the-world-cares-about-your-mission-b3ef8391-cd45-409b-a9af-9594515c85ca

Day 722 - 2020: From getting it all to appreciating everything https://writelier.com/2020:-from-getting-it-all-to-appreciating-everything-7a3c2fc9-fd26-4b96-8a1b-54e3a4b445cf

Coded a write page for my Nuxt project, tested it on my POST API, and IT WORKED!!! πŸš€ (that screenshot of the success notification is just delightful to see!😍)

Back to basics! Watching 'Nuxtflix' today - Nuxt video tutorial marathon. Learned about asyncData, fetch, routing, etc

Day 721 - From night owl to early bird https://writelier.com/from-night-owl-to-early-bird-a1cad70c-2599-4a46-9f44-83a8128a6275

Day 720 - Move slowly and mend things https://writelier.com/move-slowly-and-mend-things-72a0e54b-12d7-4b71-a79a-c3c735b7715b

Solved javascript to close navbar onclick of any nav menu item! So basic and beginner yet needed quite some effort https://navbar.carrd.co πŸ˜…

Day 719 - Music for restoration, making for inspiration https://writelier.com/music-for-restoration-making-for-inspiration-cb5e242f-4bf9-4cc7-8a52-11436b16b451

Day 718 - There are no rules https://writelier.com/there-are-no-rules-5083fa84-1d06-43a1-9391-6de08d759f2c

Stuck on issues with Nuxt fetching of data from Strapi APIs. Fetching data from APIs seems simple enough on standalone Vue codepens, but with much more moving parts in Nuxt, I'm kinda lost now...might need to get back to Nuxt fundamentals a bit first

Day 717 - 8 Dec https://writelier.com/8-dec-8013832c-3e00-4989-9d07-d015542a0da3

Day 716 - Self criticism vs self assessment https://writelier.com/self-criticism-vs-self-assessment-c16e33be-c719-43c2-9f15-9f63e1fc029d

Day 715 - Procrastination reveals priorities...? https://writelier.com/procrastination-reveals-priorities...-292a0b8d-f5bd-4041-ae08-56a33adaafe7

Added posts feed on home page and post page, but now stuck with errors