Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 714 - Execution, strategy, mindset https://writelier.com/execution-strategy-mindset-e65152d3-f795-471c-89bb-30acb795350b

Completed nuxt auth module set up on localhost. Next, testing in production... 😰

Day 713 - Should I go open source? https://writelier.com/should-i-go-open-source-56681704-d155-4436-aaab-2a65096667f1

🀠 That sense of adventure and anticipation when you run `yarn create nuxt-app`

More conceptual learning/refresh on Nuxt (re-watched Vue School course), and integrating Nuxt frontend with Strapi backend (reading through Strapi and Netlify tuts). Discovering serverless functions as a proxy layer for APIs 🧐

Day 712 - Writing in morning vs night https://writelier.com/writing-in-morning-vs-night-21e5b975-c718-47dd-abc6-fe4cb89ad0bf

Day 711 - I feel most in my power when ___ https://writelier.com/i-feel-most-in-my-power-when-___-f2fdd993-43ba-4821-bc83-9c3817589010

Fixed sort order of archive Jekyll template. Now it shows posts from most recent on top. Instructions here https://tinyurl.com/y5pukvkl

Day 710 - Attract, not chase https://writelier.com/attract-not-chase-c295de96-995a-4b6c-9197-1b0700643348

Playing with light-dark/day-night sky mode toggle animation. All just CSS! Sooo fun πŸ€“ https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/bGeZEQW

Seriously, all credits of this design goes to @mushm0on


Learned loads about Jekyll today when experimenting with a template as a way to upload my posts from Demo here https://jasonleow.github.io/200wad/

How to get filenames without dates - https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/how-to-get-filenames-without-dates/2412/2

Frontmatter defaults - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/front-matter-defaults/

Permalinks - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/

Collections - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/#output

Sorting by date:

Simple Jekyll search - https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search

Day 709 - I created a template for you to archive your 200 Words A Day on the internet https://writelier.com/i-created-a-template-for-you-to-archive-your-200-words-a-day-on-the-internet-8c326a87-a97e-46f6-bd1b-f5ca1d28880f

Wrote a script to display on home page an index of hyperlinked titles to my posts in Github Pages. Learned about using fetch method for Github APIs (they have an API for EVERYTHING!).

Day 708 - Lessons, not losses (nor wins) https://writelier.com/lessons-not-losses-(nor-wins)-2899c174-878c-4e3e-9a65-bab5cd569283

Day 707 - COVID-19x https://writelier.com/covid-19x-8639cfc6-3052-4313-9ef3-701dcf40735a

😎 Wow... managed to show code on page using escaped HTML and copy to clipboard the unescaped HTML https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/dyXwWOW

Day 706 - When to take feedback seriously https://writelier.com/when-to-take-feedback-seriously-d03c20a8-5a43-4d09-b7fe-b91954e75865

Played with the canvas-confetti library and created a Carrd demo for it using the CDN module https://confettibutton.carrd.co/

Day 705 - Archiving options for 200wad posts https://writelier.com/archiving-options-for-200wad-posts-f95e26a7-9c90-4006-ac80-f34a914fff80

😡😡😡 Finally finally finally, managed to tweak my endpoint to get a list of authors and their streak data. It works now, but I feel burned out from too much hard, not-so-fun javascript gymnastics over the past 2 weeks - there's a million ways to do anything, and coming from more opinionated frameworks like Rails, this is quite a brain workout! πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Couldn't have done this without hand-holding from @keenencharles - thank you!!

Day 704 - Anticipation as hope https://writelier.com/anticipation-as-hope-0bd9abe3-d1b1-45a1-8a8e-44e52aa1aeac