Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Created 2 documentation sites (English and Bengali) for Call Home SG, all within half a day using Stackbit!

Day 685 - Nocode helps me learn coding https://writelier.com/nocode-helps-me-learn-coding-90d986b2-2981-43b0-b960-04a5fe2388ac

Confirmed Omni ad campaign for Sweet Life Asia, prep drafts in FB, Twitter, Telegram and Mailchimp to push the live button tomorrow

Added SEO component to individual Posts for meta title, description, image etc - quite amazing how with just a few clicks and typing, the data model auto gens

Day 684 - Three months of daily code https://writelier.com/three-months-of-daily-code-22fbd8f9-dcde-434b-a991-1bfbe652e430

Added comment system for posts in Strapi API. Had to figure out the model relation - "Post belongs to many Comments" vs "Post has many Comments" but still dont understand it well

🀞🀞 Confirmed my proposal bid for the design consultancy project with Alzheimer's Disease Association

Day 683 - Oh what the hell Strapi https://writelier.com/oh-what-the-hell-strapi-b12134f1-86d3-4e06-9498-12713da21e08

Jason Leow Author

Oh nice! Great to know another maker using Strapi (I dont know any)! Will connect over Twitter… curious: what project did you use Strapi on? Got link? Would love to check it out!


hey, I've used strapi in one of my projects so if you need some help, let me know. Send me a message on Twitter if you need something.


Added a findOne by slug GET request to my Strapi API. Realised (to my horror) that uppercase and lowercase differences in how I create my content-types (e.g. slug vs Slug) was the 'bug'

Day 682 - Build once, sell twice https://writelier.com/build-once-sell-twice-51173655-7f01-47b4-a453-9807ce7732fc

Tweaking CSS of my slider (https://ketolist-banner-ad-slider.netlify.app/) to be embedded in iframe element for

Researched membership mgt/subscription and auth solutions - Memberstack, Memberspace, Memberful, Meber365, and Pico. Decided to try Pico since free for first 500 users and pricing is most competitive until 2500 users (after which Memberstack is better) - https://trypico.com/

Day 681 - New is easy, better is hard https://writelier.com/new-is-easy-better-is-hard-b3dfa923-7edb-441e-910b-63a7997fe4fb

Updated Strapi version and went through a worrying migration - as always deploying new version to Heroku is where it always screws up. But relieved it works now. 🀞

Day 680 - Nocode for civic tech https://writelier.com/nocode-for-civic-tech-26571307-f910-4207-8505-d4ab1f12f682

Trying to figure out how to copy to clipboard the escaped HTML of my Vue app as displayed in the DOM (yes, WITH all the tags and divs)

Day 679 - Discipline vs diligence https://writelier.com/discipline-vs-diligence-facdc85a-5572-4cc3-aa7f-689ad2c62c46

Found a way to add a slider into table2site site via the iframe element. Used Vue, uploaded to Github+Netlify to make this slider for ads (https://ketolist-banner-ad-slider.netlify.app/), and will embed as iframe in

Followed my curiosity today and explored the limits of what's possible with out Javascript, just pure CSS (with of cos some HTML). And realised, A LOT! Not just fancy animated illustrations but functional UI stuff like sliders, tabs, accordions, toggle buttons, dropdown menus, hamburger menu, input selection, even filters! ...stuff that I always thought needed Javascript! Serendipitously I might have found a solution for a no-JS slider for Collected them all here https://codepen.io/collection/XzkLKL

Day 678 - Current answer to "What programming language should I learn?"

Wow, just as I had given up on Strapi, the solution appears. All that was needed was just `heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production` - though this hardly is saving grace for me to go back to using it for my main products, in fact it again demonstrates the reasons I'm dropping it for my main products (but can continue to use for side projects) - it depended on a Strapi engineer's goodwill to answer your question in a forum, with no certainty that he will ever do so (because Strapi is free). And it was such a small thing and error in their docs that it made a whole bunch of devs on Stack Overflow run in circles around the conflict in sqlite in local env vs pg in prod env. Too new, not quite as stable for noobs like me, and lottery-based support simply won't work for me...(yet)