Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Made another Carrd demo to showcase nice pricing tables, great for SaaS landing pages https://pricingtables.carrd.co/

Sent invoice to Sweet Life Asia and asked about Omni ads campaign - I need to start automating this invoice thing, and the onboarding process for the new ads

Created listing and sent payment link to Tasty Duck for a 1 month standard feature ad @$15

Day 677 - Bye Strapi, Hello Rails (again) https://writelier.com/bye-strapi-hello-rails-(again)-69bc1104-e225-4dd0-9dc5-68f7c1b847ac

😀 OK, after the 3-4 days trying to fix a deployment issue with Strapi, I've decided to drop it. It's too new (so lack support and resources), not quite stable enough yet (amazing how difficult it is to deploy to Heroku - search "strapi heroku deploy" in Stack Overflow, you'll see), and I'm just not a competent enough coder yet to wrangle with new shiny tech at the frontiers. I like the idea that it's built on Node.js, it's a well-established framework for backend, and that there's a npm package for everything, but just not this time....yet. Perhaps later... OK so it's back to Rails!

Tried searching for Rails projects on Github with streak functions, in order to try to emulate it in - didn't quite work out. I'm beginning to think this impasse isn't about the tech stack or choice overload or technical difficulty, but something else altogether, some creative block πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Day 676 - Low hanging fruit https://writelier.com/low-hanging-fruit-883732cd-dc86-4514-9ffa-351f2e6fe068

Dusted off the Rails server for and experimented with the streakable gem. But no progress with it...yet.

Day 675 - Tech choice overload https://writelier.com/tech-stack-choice-overload-01a208fa-8970-4397-a34e-6540348fa508

πŸ€‘ Received payment of S$150 from Sweet Life Asia for Boosted ad and Omni ad!

Day 674 - Mind, body and soul https://writelier.com/mind-body-and-soul-e009663b-329f-406a-89df-c5a52f7ab12b

πŸš€ Yaasss deployed my Strapi API to Heroku! https://strapi-lifelog.herokuapp.com/posts My first Node.js API. As usual, deployment is a debugging challenge all in itself. Note to self - should try to deploy right off the gate and deploy features incrementally.

Day 673 - No-biz https://writelier.com/no-biz-6191989b-e10b-4e02-83ed-230d36c54de3

Added slugs to my posts in Strapi API - customization gets harder with Strapi due to less support and solutions available on internet (unlike Rails) - definitely something to consider before going full-on into it as API tech stack of choice

πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ Received $180 payment from Carbs For Keto for 3-month banner ad!!

🀩 Got my first customer testimonial for a side biz for Carrd that I haven’t even set up yet! But definitely feeling excited about it based on the reception: β€œThank you so much for all your help and assistance throughout the process. I will definitely like working with you again in the future. The Carrd platform is amazing but can be a little limiting in some aspects. It was great that I could let you know what my needs are and that you made it happen in a blink of an eye. Thank you so much for that. My recommendation for you will be strong and will work with you again. I also believe that you have a great thing going and will make a huge success of it! - Aldert Allie Booysen, litesite.co.za β€œ

Wow I created an API for a blog using Strapi, in local dev, all in one morning - posts, comments, goals, streaks, users, roles, permissions. But downside is any further customizations will require me to learn Node.js, which I'm trying to avoid (since already sunk costs in Rails)... what should I do...? πŸ€”

Steven Selcuk

Simple CRUD transactions do not take too much time. Which DB?

Jason Leow Author

Yeah true but i definitely took more time using Rails lol. Db will likely heroku, just done it up in local dev, not deployed yet


Day 672 - The most important thing, first thing in the morning https://writelier.com/the-most-important-thing-first-thing-in-the-morning-79ca93d1-81f3-4cd6-81fa-86d80d723ec0

πŸ€‘ Sent payment link of $150 for 1-month Boosted ad and Omni ad by Sweet Life Asia

Day 671 - Learning by copying https://writelier.com/learning-by-copying-87ca62ec-fef7-4505-a379-a820322163a7