Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 658 - Taking fun detours is also progress https://writelier.com/taking-fun-detours-is-also-progress-589708ee-08d5-442d-86bf-75b44175bc20

Vue.js has such good docs for learning. It's becoming my go-to resource first to learn the basics about whatever Vue function I want. Followed the Vue cookbook here to learn about localStorage - https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/client-side-storage.html Used mounted to handle loading the value from localStorage. To handle writing the data base, we watch the title and post value and on change, immediately write it. Added Tailwind into the mix to learn too! - https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/ZEWwZaO

Day 657 - Don't be lazy especially if you knew better https://writelier.com/don't-be-lazy-especially-if-you-knew-better-e332e90e-2241-4226-a397-3a8f31bd5866

๐ŸŽฎ Back to the Vue playground to have a bit of fun coding, instead of banging head against walls all week! Adapted a todolist from Codepen and customized it... learning about localstorage through this. Very interesting how the list stays the same even if you refresh or close the browser! Made a Carrd demo https://throwaway-todolist.carrd.co/

Bought my first ad on Facebook! Came as part of the grant, I got $900 to spend on getting 1000 people to use my chat bot for the next 3 years. Is $900 enough? ๐Ÿค”

Jason Leow Author

I see I see. Sounds complex indeed. What are some key things or gotchas to look out for, based on your experience? Any must-read resources on FB ads you'd recommend?

Jason Leow Author

Testing is a good tip. I'm starting to realise that too, and keen to experiment with images and copy. Thanks for the validation! :)


Day 656 - 100 days of finishing 2020 well https://writelier.com/100-days-of-finishing-2020-well-c1bff6a4-38b6-47ea-9ffb-5dcea2e183fd

Replied First Nutrient enquiry about ads - should I allow exogenous ketones on Keto List? Controversial product on the keto scene...hmmm๐Ÿค”

Sent out new ad products to 3 potential ad buyers who expressed interest before

Finally fixed columns issue on new Advertising page, and now it's ready for primetime! New ad products on Keto List - buy standard/boosted ads, or a banner ad, or omni-channel posts, or all of the above in a discounted bundle. https://ketolistsingapore.com/advertise

๐Ÿš— My POST request from my Vue app to Rails API worked in local dev env, but production env is where the rubber hits the road, so today I pushed the code to production env and it worked! Oh yeah...

๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช YESSSS! I finally SOLVED IT, after f**king Day 4! I knew it wasn't anything to do with my Rails API or the strong params, but that kept distracting me because that's the error I can see from my Rails console, not the error that's from the bug. In the end, it was how the input fields in my Vue app were structured that kept sending malformed json to my Rails endpoint - creating a proper input form helped. Also reading the npm axios docs and understanding the request configs helped lots! I ended up answering my very first question on Stack O. Do I get more points for that? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคช https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63986178/400-bad-request-issue-with-post-request-from-my-vue-app-to-my-rails-api/64010015

Day 655 - Two months of daily code https://writelier.com/two-months-of-daily-code-684263c9-5a7c-4592-99fc-317f98841b93

Day 654 - Accidental digital detox https://writelier.com/accidental-digital-detox-57c95471-0793-4f61-a497-1529cede366a

๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… Learned how to write and post my FIRST ever question on Stack Overflow! Scared of being slammed by the elites but here goes nothing. Any help here also much appreciated! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63986178/400-bad-request-issue-with-post-request-from-my-vue-app-to-my-rails-api

Day 653 - Social impact patronage https://writelier.com/social-impact-patronage-039c83ba-8f8f-4670-b955-b3d9ad31546c

๐Ÿณ๏ธ Spend the morning debugging my Vue+Axios POST request to my Rails API but no avail, almost throwing in the towel here before asking for help - error "param is missing or value is empty" "request failed status code 400 bad request" - I know I got to do something with required params in my Rails controller, and also fix how Vue POST the form data to Rails (tried JSON.stringify)

Jason Leow Author



Coding is a a lot about perseverance sometimes.


Learning about the complexities of managing a Rails API backend and Vue frontend - can't figure out how to do a POST request with a JSON body using Axios, something about the input format on Vue frontend not matching what's needed by the params in my Rails controller...anyone, help? ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ต

Day 652 - Will I get sued if I 'disparage' a larger competitor? https://writelier.com/will-i-get-sued-if-i-'disparage'-a-larger-competitor-f594d11f-e573-45d1-926e-8a1a27f98b31

Day 651 - Phone died, felt like I lost a limb https://writelier.com/phone-died-felt-like-i-lost-a-limb-ba9d9d5e-9562-4d55-9262-2767b09d5633

Continuing with learning how to integrate Vue app with Rails API - setting up POST requests using axios. Wow it's a lot harder than I thought... no wins today ๐Ÿ˜ค

Backdating 24 Aug - sent proposal to Alzheimer's Disease Association for design sprint