Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Researched and learned about Strapi - popular as a headless CMS but more importantly you can create a RESTful or GraphQL APIs in minutes!😱 Just WYSIWYG click type drag drop and your data structure and content can be up in minutes, and you can view the API in json in browser, set up access control without wrangling with JWTs and stuff... WTF man. Did I just WASTE weeks of learning how to develop my API using Rails when I could have done it in hours using Strapi (or any other headless cms solutions out there like Contentful)???!!! And did you know it's open source and FREE?? 😑😭

Jason Leow Author

Yeah I guess…knowledge that I can now do things a different, faster way 😜

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

You acquired knowledge. It's never wasted :)


Day 664 - Sweet September wrap-up https://writelier.com/sweet-september-wrap-up-97216281-9327-4848-8df5-b491842974e9

Helped out a Carrd user with adding a responsive nav bar, and accordion dropdown faqs to his Carrd site. Learned about css flex today! Always a noob moment when

Day 663 - Your Life In Months, v2.0 https://writelier.com/your-life-in-months-v2.0-f01d7b08-8a97-4dab-af3f-9077f0f02530

πŸ’  Netlify RAWKS! Added Netlify-provided reCAPTCHA v2 to the contact forms for callhome.sg - Netlify is the gift that keeps giving! There's always shiny new useful stuff that you can add to your site, for free, and hidden away somewhere in their blog/docs

Did some css and color tweaks to callhome.sg, changed the secondary color grey to a light blue

Day 662 - Decoding the soft parts of coding https://writelier.com/decoding-the-soft-parts-of-coding-1d82dafd-ebce-4ff8-bef6-18b7554f8c99

Received my very first payment for my new ad products on Keto List - a banner ad and omni channel bundle... also the single largest payment so far! $180 πŸ€‘

Auth, payment, gated content: Researched on Netlify Identity, vs Memberstack/Memberspace for more no-code convenience

🀩😍😱😭 OH. MY. GOD. I just got my first monthly subscription patron member on @buymeacoffee ! Surprised, moved, and most of all, deeply thankful.

Day 661 - Cookie cravings, online & offline https://writelier.com/cookie-cravings-online-and-offline-7312273f-0a1d-4694-9974-3ae0fa261d29

Researched about Rails publishing/blogging engines like RefineryCMS, Lines, ComfortableMexicanSofa, and also the JAMstack approaches using Netlify Identity, SSGs like Gatsby and headless CMSes like Strapi to do the same

πŸ’£πŸš€ YAAAS!!! VERY FIRST booking by Wowlah for new ad product banner ads on Keto List!

πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ Received $90 payment for 6-month ad from First Nutrient!

Day 660 - What's your kid-in-a-candy-store moment for work? https://writelier.com/what's-your-kid-in-a-candy-store-moment-for-work-a4f371d6-5eed-4d98-8762-4f02db137aa0

🍭 Codepen is my kid-in-a-candy-store place! Collected 250 Vue repos so far, and so many awesome little projects there! https://codepen.io/collection/DrqowN codepen

Day 659 - The importance of high standards https://writelier.com/the-importance-of-high-standards-32480e18-9def-4df4-a899-2e3cb38cdf82

Followed the Vue docs for localStorage of complex values (https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/client-side-storage.html) step by step and made another todolist Carrd demo using Vue and Tailwind...loving Tailwind so far! So nice to not have to deal with a separate CSS file, but it does make the HTML quite 'noisy' to read - Carrd demo here https://throwaway-todolist-2.carrd.co/ and Codepen repo here https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/BaKbYwo

Used photopea.com to 3D-transform/skew the smartphone screen mockups and make them look cooool 😎

Created a Zapier automation to link the Netlify contact form to a Google Sheet, to capture the incoming Contact Form messages in a spreadsheet, and then email them back via Gmail with an auto-responder (also easier for the team to find their emails in Sent box).

Developed a publicity/donation drive landing page for callhome.sg, a local social impact initiative helping our migrant worker brothers call home for free. Used Stackbit's latest DIY theme (very awesome theme!), Github, Netlify and Zapier - temp hosting pg πŸ‘‰ https://callhome.netlify.app/

πŸ€©πŸ€‘πŸ˜Ž I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I sent out 4 emails to current customers about my new ad products (like banner ad) and everyone agreed to buy it! IT NEVER WORKS LIKE THAT!

James Kenny

That's awesome! Congrats!!

Jason Leow Author

@jameskenny thanks!! 😊