Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Tweaked buymeacoffee CTA sections in blog posts to green for higher contrast and visibility, hopefully better conversions

Connected db to TablePlus app - OMG now I can see who signed up! πŸ˜…


Such a great piece of software

Jason Leow Author

It's like I was blind and now I can see


Learned how to add custom scripts to the table2site site (in /body closing tag)

Drafted 2-3 versions of a social media post and posted them on the Keto List FB page, Telegram group + channel, Twitter, and Mailchimp newsletter. Also posted on 3-4 Facebook groups. Also posted a comment on all of the mooncake sellers' FB pages/posts to backlink

Special touch - helped Ange Bakes, an ad buyer to update the image on their listing, and the text to reflect their latest promo

Added CTA section at the end of every blog post to ask people to support with buy me a coffee, and it worked!!! Almost immediately! Got 3 coffees! Wow, it never works this fast!

Day 645 - Mooncakes https://writelier.com/mooncakes-c54b4f09-02f0-45f4-bc05-80d90fbff897

Wrote blog post "Mad for mooncakes" about keto mooncake bakers and seller in SG, and tried something new today - added a Deals Alert section in the post

Day 644 - The product that grows itself vs the product you dream about https://writelier.com/words/the-product-that-grows-itself-vs-the-product-you-dream-about-449935f5a36aadd72b

Scheduled emails to send out automatically to ad buyer when ad expires. Not 100% automation yet but it's a start

Received S$45 payment for 3 month ad by keto ecommerce store Carbs For Keto


Jason Leow Author



πŸ’ͺYEAHHH, finally got my Rails API working in production. Kept getting 500 Internal Server Error, realised got to push localdb to heroku db. All GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests working now on Insomnia. Connected Heroku db to TablePlus too so I can now see my data visually

Day 643 - Glimmers, not triggers https://cowriters.app/words/glimmers-not-triggers-449755f58d85ec4781

Uploaded my Rails API to Heroku, created a basic auth security to access it, added env var to Heroku, but there's no data inside the production db! Next to push localdb to heroku, and see if i can access it securely

Played and learned about Vue's v-on:mouseover hover to v-show a hidden element https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/QWNQZOv

Day 642 - Rubber ducking and rebooting https://cowriters.app/words/rubber-ducking-and-rebooting-449505f5776ad3b93e

😀 Top tip when debugging: "Have you restarted your server?" Kept getting errors from my GET requests after I added my env variables, debugged for 2h without success. Then @jalisocsp to the rescue - turns out, I gotta reboot my rails server for it to work!😩 Thanks Craig!

Start small: added http_basic_authenticate to my Rails API, with .env variables in order not to accidentally save the username and password in the public repo. Learned that using .env in Rails is outdated, I should just use encrypted credentials...well, next lesson then!

Designed the social media graphics and wrote the remaining posts for the Humans of VisualAid series