Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Arranged calls with 2 potential gov clients for design sprint consultancy

Sent out a quotation of S$4k+ to Ministry of Social & Family Development for a speaking engagement, and they approved it! Woohoo!!! πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

Day 650 - New advertising products on Keto List https://writelier.com/new-advertising-products-on-keto-list-a780d34b-cd1f-4a29-b414-2897477fe411

πŸ“£ After having more than a few ad buyers interested in other ad formats like banners, I finally designed new ad packages and an all-new Advertising page for Keto List. Will be an interesting experiment for sure!

Research and conceptual learning on how to build on blogging platform on Rails and Vue/Nuxt - exploring blog engines like Lines Engines, Ruby-based SSGs like Middleman, blog CMS like ButterCMS,

Day 649 - Stealing time by optimising the mundane https://writelier.com/stealing-time-by-optimising-the-mundane-474e1a2f-9af0-4731-a50b-ade0e72d2c04

Completed post-launch grant report, time to make claims for remaining $2.5k

🀞 Applied for a grant via Facebook's Small Business Grants Programme in Singapore

Posted on Facebook, Telegram and Whatsapp the next interview on the Humans of VisualAid series

Drafted and sent out invoice to DJ Keto. More and more ad buyers are asking for invoices - how do I automate this using Airtable, Gmail, Zapier and Google Docs? πŸ€”

Added Karma Foods to listing - "Indianised" keto food products! So interesting!

Day 648 - I made an API-first app! https://writelier.com/i-made-an-api-first-app!-061d6444-54d8-438d-81a9-12ae31448baa

πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† I WON! At least I feel like I won. To learn how to create an API-first app (the J and A in JAMstack), I created a Rails todo list API and then a Vue app to fetch data from it, via axios, basic auth and env var. Just deployed the Vue app to Netlify - must rem "yarn build" cmd ! https://todolist-railsapi.herokuapp.com/todos/ πŸ” https://hello-world-axios.netlify.app/

Day 648 - Two beers and a puppy https://writelier.com/two-beers-and-a-puppy-5fdc3135-0c16-4c0d-a03a-f882dbf3acde

πŸ’ͺ YAAASSSS it works! Managed to fetch json data from my Rails todo list REST API to my Vue app via axios, basic auth, and hidden auth details using environment variables. Next: try it with a production Vue app, on Netlify/Heroku

Discovered you can use env variables in Netlify! Researching and reading up about it. Slightly confused though - it kept saying the secret key will show up on the browser console anyway...so how does that keep it secret??!!

Day 647 - Discard anything not making you happier, healthier, wealthier, calmer, or better connected https://writelier.com/discard-anything-not-making-you-happier-healthier-wealthier-calmer-or-better-connected-d52132b8-e2be-4fb8-8ba3-0229cdbf7212

Researching and just realised I can make a GraphQL API in Rails instead of a REST one. A few articles mentioned that it might actually be easier to create a grapghql api for a beginner than a rest api, plus upsides on more granularity on pulling graphql data..should I (since am noob)? - https://dev.to/duomly/rest-api-vs-graphql-comparison-3j6g

⚑️🧠 (Re-)Learning how to set up a production-ready Vue app via Vue CLI and Vue GUI, installing Axios plugin, pulling placeholder JSON data into Vue app. Next, pulling data with authentication from the Rails REST API I built!

Reading up about how to consume an authenticated API using Vue... or should I start using Nuxt?

It is simple to do directly with axios (at least in some cases). Also, checkout https://github.com/Flyrell/axios-auth-refresh

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Gabriel! Yes axios for sure. Likely just going to try something basic first, like with env variables. Great plugin - just starred the repo!


Day 646 - Things I wouldn't build in 2020 https://writelier.com/things-i-wouldn't-build-in-2020-ebf29d0c-e183-4888-8c9c-965fddf34700