Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

πŸ€©πŸ€‘πŸ˜Ž Got the deal! Sweet Life Asia bought $150 x 3 months = $450 worth of ads on Keto List!

Sent out 10.10 newsletter, social media posts on Facebook page, groups, marketplaces and on Twitter

Finished slide deck for paid Zoom talk on design thinking for Ministry of Social & Family Development, now time to practise practise practise

Carbs For Keto got back and booked the banner ad for 3 months straight! S$180!

Sweet Life Asia got back and wanted a bundled ad - S$200! WOW my very first bundle customer!

Day 670 - Principal-agent problem of life https://writelier.com/principal-agent-problem-of-life-8de1efaf-5f37-459d-ae2b-38d8ca741a5e

Created a Vue Markdown editor with localStorage, using marked.js - https://codepen.io/jasonleow/pen/MWeWwzd

Vue collection now at 300 repos! Still so much goodness even after browsing through hundreds of pages by now https://codepen.io/collection/DrqowN

Moving out of browsing just Vue repos to all the cool shit that's done on Codepen using just CSS, or vanilla JS. I think as I like coding more and more, the fear that comes with looking at and playing with other langs/frameworks decreases too

Day 669 - Nocode tools for civic tech https://writelier.com/nocode-tools-for-civic-tech-277c97c7-ee1e-458f-9eb8-b5873c79a260

Day 668 - How to work on your own things https://writelier.com/how-to-work-on-your-own-things-cb6d5742-202d-4532-b874-ff903becf2e3

Discovered Vuetify - a Vue UI library for material design! Made a Carrd demo for a timeline on Carrd - https://timelinedemo.carrd.co

Made a demo to show a responsive header nav bar and scroll-to-top floating button on Carrd sites - https://navbar.carrd.co/

Setting up VS Code! Installed extensions - Vetur for Vue, Git History for Git, Heroku CLI, Rails. What else should I install??

Day 667 - Inspiration is perishable - act on it immediately https://writelier.com/inspiration-is-perishable-act-on-it-immediately-edb027bf-0138-4320-97c0-bfbdd6a1f14d

Playing around on Codepen and Carrd to make a responsive navbar menu using plain vanilla javascript, and it ain't no walk in the park. Wow how I took it for granted when conveniently using css libraries

Day 666 - Productized service idea: Custom Carrd Co. https://writelier.com/productized-service-idea:-custom-carrd-co.-0c0c9f33-f807-4ff8-912d-dd664d70afea

🀯🀯🀯 I just replicated my Rails todolist REST API (with auth and jwt-based access and GET, POST etc) using Strapi, in under 1h vs days/weeks(?!) using Rails! And guess what: to one-up my previous efforts using Rails, I even made the content-types relational, making a user has many todos....all WITHOUT writing a single line of code. What the......!

Day 665 - Opportune October https://writelier.com/opportune-october-b0f4909f-c7ad-4ba8-967e-f511e024057e

πŸ“  I just (re)discovered MS Paint today! Now I can create retro-nostalgic graphics for the web lol πŸ˜‚ https://jspaint.app/

Designed and posted FB post with img about writing a hawker post and asking for category definitions of different keto woe