Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Using Google Sheets as a db and CMS in Carrd! Embedded it using Vue, Google Sheets API https://gsheets-list.carrd.co/

Designed and posted another interview Q&A under the Humans Of VisualAid series, this time showcasing our Tamil translator

🙆🏻‍♂️ Day 7 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for - almoooost there... I think I'll be done by tomorrow (for f**k's sake)

Day 610 - Window view to the Giza pyramids https://cowriters.app/words/window-view-to-the-giza-pyramids-437055f2d67d67640c

Experiments in embedding Vue in Carrd - previously had to use jQuery with Vue for this, but figured out how to make it work without jQuery https://wpblog.carrd.co/

🧟‍♂️ Day 6 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for - 80% there, probably 1-2 days of work left on it

Day 609 - Take a simple idea seriously https://cowriters.app/words/take-a-simple-idea-seriously-436675f2c002210832

💀 Day 5 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for - there's times when nocode is lovely, and there's times when it's 💩

Experiments in embedding Vue in Carrd - now Carrd users can have a blog! Via Wordpress REST API and amazing browser magic using Vue https://wpblog.carrd.co/

Day 608 - Code + design + write = SUPERPOWER https://cowriters.app/words/code-design-write-superpower-436315f2aafd778322

Posted delivery job for home-based cookie business on and all the other delivery platforms.

🤮 Day 4 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for - better today, but still painful. 60% done, can't wait to finish!

Day 607 - Coding is like cooking https://cowriters.app/words/coding-is-like-cooking-431235f1841d7b62af

Experiments in embedding Vue on Carrd - a whiteboard canvas on a Carrd site https://drawanything.carrd.co/

🤬 Day 3 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for - I had not cursed so much in a long time 🤬😡😾

Day 606 - A year of monthly goals https://cowriters.app/words/a-year-of-monthly-goals-435525f280c0b67a95

Collected 100 awesome Vue.js examples on Codepen - https://codepen.io/collection/DrqowN Learned so much about what Vue can do from these 100 'recipes' than the online courses that I had been doing!

Finished a Fiverr gig for a Carrd event countdown landing page within 1-2h for a 💩 customer

🤬 Day 2 of PAINFUL 'data entry' of conditional logic blocks (to account for >1800 possible combinations) in for

Day 605 - Awesome August https://cowriters.app/words/awesome-august-435175f26b0cb01970

Vue School: Installed Vue CLI, debugged profile permissions, created project using vue ui - there’s a GUI!!

🤑🤑🤑 Sent off the largest ad buy for Keto List - S$180 ok not huge by absolute standards but it is the biggest one for !

Which ad channel did you use?

Jason Leow Author

Oh I run my own ads on Keto List. No ad channel.


Learning more about Vue (and being excited about it) from browsing and playing around with Vue pens on Codepen than actual online course...why?! Excited about Vue with Wordpress API, Google Sheets API, delicious animations, local storage, etc even making games on Vue!