Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Learning more about Vue (and being excited about it) from browsing and playing around with Vue pens on Codepen than actual online course...why?! Excited about Vue with Wordpress API, Google Sheets API, delicious animations, local storage, etc even making games on Vue!

Day 604 - July wrap-up: Acknowledgement, not encouragement https://cowriters.app/words/july-wrap-up-acknowledgement-not-encouragement-434815f2576ba598fe

Re-organized the categories for causes and grants, so that it's easier to create the blocks for the chatbot

Day 603 - One fun step, or lots of tedious steps? https://cowriters.app/words/one-fun-step-or-lots-of-tedious-steps-434545f241d2a5c3d5

Researching and learning from Codepen projects, on Vue components as Carrd plugins

Launched latest illustrated translation collection on Fall Prevention https://visualaid.sg/projects/fall-prevention/

entertaining thoughts of making this chatbot how-to-build process as a product in itself... would you be interested to learn how to build a conditional logic chatbot without code, one that will parse through a large inventory (>100) to spit out specific recommendations based on some quiz-format questions?

updated inventory of all grants on spreadsheet and blocks, cleaned up data

cleaned up the structure of my 'code' blocks in the Grant Hunt chatbot

After wasting 2 days, abandoned FlowXO (UI too confusing) and Manychat (not sophisticated as Chatfuel), and went back to Chatfuel to rebuild the Grant Hunt chatbot

Learning experiments with Vue: a car-culator on a Carrd site https://carculator.carrd.co/

Day 602 - Byproducts as products https://cowriters.app/words/byproducts-as-products-434145f22c49daf292

πŸ“– Vue School: Deeper conceptual learning about Vuex store: (6) getters great for calculation, eg update shopping cart total; (7) actions are store's methods, decides when a mutation triggers; (8) global $store in root instance injects into all components, so that don't have to import everytime 30 seconds ago

πŸ“– Vue School: Deeper conceptual learning about Vuex store: (3) mutations should be as simple as possible, only to alter state, actions can be complex but never update the state; (4) check mutation history in vue devtools; (5) never update state directly, always commit a mutation instead. store.commit instead of store.state

πŸ“– Vue School: Deeper conceptual learning about Vuex store: (1) centralized state mgt (important when you have many components); (2) state~data, getters~computed properties, actions~methods, mutations~update state

Ad buyer enquired about banner ads pricing, which I do not have... Time to design ad packages!

Day 601 - words→website https://cowriters.app/words/words-website-433775f2188fb0b4c7

Vue School: Completed Nuxt Fundamentals course woohoo! πŸ†πŸŽ‰πŸ• But next comes the hard part πŸ˜…

πŸš€ Vue School: Learned how to prerender app for static site deployment on Netlify, using generate command, dist dir. Learned that as of Nuxt v2.13 there is a crawler installed that will crawl your link tags and generate your dynamic routes when running nuxt generate, so no need to specifiy the route in nuxt.config! Then upload from Git to Github to Netlify, and it's live! https://nuxt-fundamentals-class.netlify.app/

Day 600 - Day 600 πŸ”₯ https://cowriters.app/words/day-600-433415f20329b9a334

Vue School: Learned how to deploy - build and start command (works only for Nuxt config target = 'server'), how this uglifies/minifies js bundles (check in browser console), set up Heroku for Nuxt, set up config variables, add heroku command to package.json, deploy through Git. And voila! It's LIVE πŸš€ https://nuxt-fundamentals-class.herokuapp.com/

Vue School: Learned about Nuxt's head method. Super easy to inject meta tags now, for each page.

Posted on social media the latest quiz teaser for the Falls Prevention collection

Day 599 - You have my permission to NOT finish any coding classes https://cowriters.app/words/you-have-my-permission-to-not-finish-any-coding-classes-433055f1ee1f7e9389

Onboarding and rebuilding Grant Hunt from ground up, using FlowXO. But with Chatfuel's latest Flow feature, tempting to not switch