Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Vue School: learned about Vuex store, state management, why a store is needed for more complex apps, global states, store modules, how Nuxt auto-injects the store into every component

Vue School: Learned about linking between pages, using nuxt-link instead of anchor tags, and the f**king PAIN of missing a comma in javascript

Vue School - learned about dynamic routes, params, creating posts/pages on Nuxt app

Day 598 - Stack business models for antifragility https://cowriters.app/words/stack-business-models-for-antifragility-432665f1d1bd0e6036

Day 597 - Keto hawker food https://cowriters.app/words/keto-hawker-food-432335f1c397996780

Vue School - learned about creating pages (see code splitting in action), layout components, using global css (vs scoped 'local' styles), nuxt.config (rem to restart server!), creating new components like navbar, naming conventions

Experimenting with IFTTT, Zapier, Integromat to automate more aspects of content and community

Day 596 - Progress requires unlearning https://cowriters.app/words/progress-requires-unlearning-431975f1ad2cb49b81

Vue School: Starting Nuxt tutorials. Created my first Nuxt app! (not without first wrangling with an error for hours that's due to not having nvm installed! First steps are hardest)

Day 599 - SEO-ing my JAMstack site https://cowriters.app/words/seo-ing-my-jamstack-site-431685f199b2465226

⚡️⚡️⚡️ End result after a day of SEO work on - 95 marks on Lighthouse! ⚡️⚡️⚡️

SEO mini project - installed Netlify Build plugins for img optim, inline source, optim font loading, auto sitemap generation and submission, for

SEO mini project - Uploaded sitemap to (Will figure out gatsby sitemap plugin next time) - update: used Netlify build plugins for sitemap auto gen & submission instead...amazing!!!

Vue School - learned about component slots. Slots for html, props for data