Read at least 10 pages (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself)
Set up double opt-in for the newsletter with EmailOctupus
Took a while because I couldn't receive any mails with my namecheap email and Netlify DNS. Found out over an hour later that I was still using Vercel DNS and forgot to switch.
Talk to Andy (Twitter @de_floof) about hosting Twitter Spaces on Friday and talk about
Took me a while, struggling with the Twitter API at first, but I got the initial logic for automatically finding popular tweets for topics done.
I was expecting this to be quicker but it took a lot of time to get into the Twitter API. Lots of confusion, my main account not being allowed to register for a dev account and so on. I'm glad I finally got this one to work and any adjustments are fairly easy from now on.
Running scheduled via Firebase and writing the data to Supabase.
Running scheduled via Firebase and writing the data to Supabase.
Complete paid survey
I was asked on Twitter to answer a bunch of questions about Supabase (seemed very legit, given the person that asked) and was offered $100 as compensation. Now I'll have to figure out invoices for foreign countries
Read at least 10 pages (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself)
Continue to explore the Twitter V2 API for extracting popular tweets
Submit the final documents for the bank (investment property)
Man, the amount of paperwork you have to do in Germany to get a loan is madness.
Dumbbell/Bodyweight workout
Read at least 10 pages (breaking the habit of being yourself)
Get the twitter search API to work
This took way longer than expected. There's V1 and V2 (alpha). There's multiple tiers and each tier may be able to use different query parameters or even content within query parameters. The official Postman collection for V2 uses the old OAuth 1.0, while the API does support OAuth 2.0 and some endpoint work with OAuth 1.0, but only when you're using specific parameters, otherwise they only work with a bearer token. This frustrated me a lot more than it should have. Anyways, finally figured it out.
Added mobile navigation for topics page
Dumbbell/Body weight workout
Shipped the first version of the landing page
Finish newsletter sign up by implementing a Firebase function and using the EmailOctopus API for subscription
Added newsletter signup in footer
Still need to implement the backend function to actually signup