
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

Day 373 - Biohacking stress -

If I can biohack my way to better weight, diet and sleep, I can do it for stress too right?

That said, I do have some habits that help with stress:

• Meditation
• Mindfulness
• Exercise
• Writing
• Sleep

So how should I proceed if I do choose this mission? I can imagine more research in these areas:

• Music
• Stoicism
• Exercise
• Laughter
• Supplements
• Taking walks
• Get biofeedback
• Natural remedies
• Removing stressors
• Journaling exercises
• Swimming in the sea
• Tiny deep breathing exercises
• Progressive muscle relaxation
• Better time/work management
• Examining my values/narratives
• Social support with family/friends

Exploration mode to come!

Day 372 - Impact of weekly habits vs daily habits -

I’d been working on my Fit AF habit of showing up for a 15min short run round the block every Monday morning at 7am, and so far so good.

But the part of me is getting impatient.

I feel like I’m not getting enough reps in for the habit.

Think about it: a weekly habit just gets 52 reps in 1 year. Just FIFTY TWO?! But a daily one gets 356 reps – that’s 7 times more.

Will I truly ingrain this Fit AF habit by just 52 reps in 1 year?

Will it ever get from “I got to do this” to “I enjoy doing this”, from just doing it weekly?

Will it truly move the needle and have a positive impact on my health?

🎉🎉 Got 2 new trial sign-ups via Twitter! Thanks Gregory and ikraam!

Day 371 - Got paid $4.08 this month for writing on Medium -

I just received a $4.08 payout from Medium!

Look at the month-on-month payout trajectory so far:

Sep - $0.18
Oct - $1.60 ⬆888%
Nov - $2.30 ⬆144%
Dec - $4.08 ⬆177%

Looks like I can break even on the Medium subscription ($5 per month) soon!

OK so this is getting more serious now. What started off as a laughably small amount of payout money ($0.18) in September had now grown 2266% after 4 months!
Carl Poppa 🛸

amazing growth Jason!

Jason Leow Author

haha thanks! Inflated for motivation purposes lol


Day 370 - Open questions for the year ahead -

All my fears, concerns, aspirations and wishes in the form of open questions for the year ahead:

• Will I live up to the year with alacrity?
• How long will I take to hit $200 MRR?
• Will I ever hit $5k revenue in my life?
• Will I ever make enough money off my products to support my lifestyle and family?
• What other products can I make?
• What other products do I want to make?
• What’s my next big thing?
• What’s my next product for tech for good?
• Do I still have what it takes to create something profitable and popular?
• When will I embody a wealth mindset?
• Do I have what it takes to get rich?
• Will I be able to grow my savings back to what it was?
• When will I finally get over myself about investing?
• Will I ever nail my sleep to 90% consistently?
• Can I ever get back to a fitness level of my 20s or 30s?
• How do I bring familyhood to the next level?
• When will things go back to normal?
• When can we travel again?
• What’s my spiritual path like ahead?
• Will I ever go on retreats again?
• When will I finally feel like I’m thriving, not surviving?

It’ll be great to review these questions from time to time, and especially at the end of the year! Looking forward.


Twitter marketing

- went with my inspiration and randomly launched a new year promo - 50% discount for 5 months
- going thematic - specialist vs generalist conversation seems to interest people, so my 3rd day in a row tweeting the same theme for my 4pm indie hacking tweet

Day 369 - Sleep is social -

Some musings about how surprising it is that so much of sleep is social, and how learning to negotiate the social contract of sleep will be a gamechanger.

Had a video chat with another creator I met on Twitter @AlejandroTheGuy. So it begins - the season of more DMs and video chats!

Twitter marketing

• RT yesterday's
• RT a past tweet
• Scheduled og tweets
• No replies to other tweets except my own

Still on my minimum viable tweeting vacay mode...

Day 368 - Jan goals

The goal for Jan is to self care, let my 2022 intentions percolate and follow my energy. That's it.

2022 is off to a slow start, and it’s good.

Twitter marketing

Hit 2k followers on 24 Dec 2021, and just 1 week later I got 104 more this never happens!

Day 367 - Alacrity

My aspiration for 2022, in one word:


/əˈlæk·rɪ·t̬i/ brisk and cheerful readiness
“I accepted the invitation to 2022 with alacrity.”

Day 366 - 2022 in 8 forms of capital -

For 2022, I want to see if I can…

💵 Financial: Hit $200 MRR from all my products by 31 Dec 2022, through small doggedness.
⚒️ Material: Meaningful materialism for health.
🌲 Living: Move more, feel fit.
💡 Intellectual: Follow my entrepreneur nose.
💪 Experiential: Learn about web3 and AI.
👥 Social: Serial 1-on-1 Twitter conversations.
🎨 Cultural: Pivoting identity to wealth subculture.
⛩️ Spiritual: Mindful familyhood.

Jason Leow Author

Yes I love it too. I keep seeing a chihuahua dog when I read that term lol

Carl Poppa 🛸

TIL the term "small doggedness" - i like it!


Day 365 - 2021 review in 8 forms of capital

My intentions for 2021 and the results:

💵 Financial: Hit $5k MRR from all my products by 31 Dec 2021, through consistency rather than intensity.
- only hit $100 MRR

⚒️ Material: Give more, give away more.
- was a huge success

🌲 Living: Sleep better, move more.
- Sleep biohacking saved my health, sanity and productivity. Exercise was dismal.

💡 Intellectual: Follow my dev nose.
- Goal changed to marketing even though the learning intention remained.

💪 Experiential: Look for 1% improvement every week. Just 1%, 1 thing, 1 task, 1 idea.
- #100daysofmarketing. I enjoyed the quiet doggedness of the whole challenge.

👥 Social: Quality conversations and relationships, local and global.
- I joined Twitter for the marketing, but stayed for the community.

🎨 Cultural: Changing lanes (and identity) to geek/dev subculture.
- I ended up building (sub)cultural capital in the creator/copywriter/marketing/indie hacker circles.

⛩️ Spiritual: Fatherhood that’s mindful and present.
- I stuck on with working from home, so I can continue to be around to see my son grow up.

That’s 2021 for me through these eight lenses.

How was your 2021?

Twitter marketing

Tweeted out a massive thread for my Best & Worst of 2021 list

- no such thing as max_faves search parameter
- I didn't engage much this month due to hols but my traffic is looking better! Why?! 🤔😩

Day 364 - Best & worst of 2021

I saw an annual review the other day by @ShaanVP that I really liked. It’s so simple yet catchy - just the best and worst of the year.

Here’s mine:

Best: Plugins For Carrd
Worst: A 50%-done cohort-based course on design thinking for the social impact sector

Best: #100daysofmarketing
Worst: Steal back curiosity.

Best: Sleep habits.
Worst: Sedentary lifestyle.

Best: The one about Twitter is just a game and just have fun, that got 51k impressions and 550 likes
Worst tweet: The ones where I engaged trolls.

Best: My Keychron K7 mechanical keyboard. Note-worthy mention: My entire desk setup of standing desk, full back mesh chair, large monitor.
Worst: Every dollar I spent on keto treats. I always feel worst off after eating them.

Best: Tweet every day.
Worst: Tweet every day.

Twitter marketing - RTing yesterday's tweets, writing/scheduling tweets for the day,

- DMs helps with algorithm as well. Anyone you have a DM convo with is more likely to see your next tweets (and vice versa) because it’s a high indicator of a connection.

Day 363 - Motivation is a blunt axe - Attempt Fit AF

I see myself as an intrinsically disciplined person when it come to anything I set my mind to. But I’m beginning to see that motivation is but a blunt axe. I shouldn’t have to feel like I can swing it at any habit or problem I have. I can be clever about it.

I don’t have to struggle.

And it can actually feel fun!

Twitter marketing

- I need create a swipe file. Saving drafts on Typefully won't cut it anymore. Use Notion?
- New idea: I can repurpose my sketches for Lifelog! Just switch to writing theme

Day 362 - Productivity cave complete

After 4 months, my productivity cave is 99% complete:

Ergo mesh chair
Sit/stand desk
Mech keyboard
Wooden palm rest
Apple trackpad
Ergo wrist pad
27" monitor
Monitor arms
Monitor light bar

• I’m more embodied when I stand. Overall it’s an upgrade on self-care.
• More active movement
• My neck and shoulder pains are more manageable now
• More screen real estate. I real

Day 361 - Tiny Twitter hacks I learned & love

A compilation of all the tiny Twitter hacks I'd learned and love

Twitter marketing

- when i struggle to come up with good tweets, it's a sign I'm not replying enough (similar to not reading enough for writing)
- my Twitter bio doesn't say what Lifelog does! What a blindspot
- Should my content be all about writing for creators only? Am I diluting my focus by sharing sales journey and writing journey? 🤔

Day 360 - I hit my $100 MRR goal! -

I managed to miraculously hit my 2021 target of $100 MRR.

Through the PURE GENEROSITY of others.

Made all the more meaningful that it happened on Christmas Day, a day and season of giving. What a miracle indeed.

@AndreyAzimov was my real life Santa Claus! 🎅 (Thanks man!)

😭 Words can’t even describe how grateful I am for the Maker Twitter community, and how generous we are in supporting one another, in encouragement, ideas, and sometimes, with our wallets.

Signing off this year with one tear of gratitude.