
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

Day 396 - You pay for everything thrice -

Every time you buy something, you’re not just paying for it once, but thrice.

• Upfront costs: You spend the money purchasing it.
• Opportunity costs: You spend time and effort to set it up, experience it
• Maintenance costs: You spend time maintaining, cleaning, updating it to continue using it

For example, a new online course on Coursera:

• Upfront costs: You pay $100 for it.
• Opportunity costs: You actually make the time to do the course, learn and benefit from it
• Maintenance costs: You got to apply it, use the knowledge

😅 Churned today - lost a free trial user today!

User didn't agree with one of my tweets, decided to act with the wallet. 🤷‍♂️ Expect more of the same to happen, as I put myself out there more and more often

Day 395 - A better way to ask for advice, via negativa -

My usual go-to question when asking someone for advice for a specific topic is:

“What are the top 3 things that brought 80% of the results?”

But I got to admit, it’s a question looking for quick hacks.

I was asking the wrong question all along.

I didn't always know what worked and what led to my success. But I definitely knew what didn’t work.

So a better question to ask is to ask about what not to do.

• “What is something people spend too much time on that I should skip entirely?”
• What’s the top 3 mistakes you made that you don’t wish on someone else in similar shoes?
• What did you focus on back then that you now wished otherwise?
• What would your current self tell your past self on what not to do?

The via negativa approach to seeking advice.

Twitter marketing

- joined a Twitter marketing group for support and learning, started by @ayushtweetshere
- use emojis to paint visuals within text field, like Wordle shitposts
- I need a Twitter alarm reminder (Chrome extension?) to remind me to manually RT now that I'm experimenting with RTing every 6h through the day

Day 394 - Success is not $1B but $1M -

What’s better than a 1000-person company making $1B profit per year?

A 1-person company making $1M profit a year.

Former sounds stressful. Latter sounds like I'll get time and creative freedom.

A blank calendar > a full bank account

Or you can be lazy (lol) and be a 1-person company making $100K a year. That’s plenty for most of us. Certainly for me.

But one can dream.

Twitter marketing

- I need a Twitter swipe file web app that has a bookmarklet Chrome extension, where I can paste the URL of a tweet I like and it extracts the text into text field that I can copy and paste elsewhere easily. Ideally I can categorize, search and sort the swipe file too.
- been doing a lot of manual RTs. I need an app that allows me to drop in the URL of a tweet (mine or someone else's) and allows me to schedule the datetime of the RT and how many times.

Anyone knows if these exists?
Carl Poppa 🛸

write in to them . FEATURE REQUEST 😂

Jason Leow Author



Day 393 - Follow the rules. You lose. -

"Follow the rules you lose. Choose violence you win."
Jason Leow Author


Jason Leow Author

Twitter marketing

Ok new tweeting schedule looks like this, with RTs every 7h:
• 16:00 - indie hacker/BIP tweet
• 18:00 - writing tweet with Lifelog plug
• 23:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 16:00 tweet
• 01:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 18:00 tweet
• 06:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 08:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 10:00 - 5am club tweet
• 12:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 13:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 14:00 - RT (manual) of old tweet from ~1 month ago
[• 16:00 - new tweet cycle starts]

- need to look for a Twitter scheduler that allows me to auto-RT multiple times based on a pre-set number of hours!
- Twitter scheduler should also allow for RT queues for old tweets

Anyone knows a Twitter scheduler that can do all that? Hypefury? Tweethunter?

Day 392 - Copying is underrated -

Copying is frowned upon and a matter of principle and pride for creators and creative folks. The worst is direct plagiarism. Word for word, pixel for pixel, or line by line of code.

Don’t do that. But otherwise, copying is fine.

“Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” – Picasso

I think of the ten different brands selling the same ketchup in the supermarket—albeit with packaging—and I think near-identical copying is fine. You don’t have to be unique to win, or at least have a slice of the pie.

Twitter and Telegram copied Clubhouse.
Facebook and Instagram copied Snapchat.

Businesses build on one another’s ideas all the time.

Everything is a remix, after all.

Copying is underrated. Copy more, create more.

There are NO rules.

Day 391 - Easiest way to start a SaaS -

Here’s an awesome idea to get started building your very first SaaS:

"Want to build a micro SaaS? You just need to find an API then productize it, in the end, add a pricing tag, offer a monthly or yearly option! Congrats, you are a SaaS founder" – @damengchen

That really go me thinking about my boring startup idea. What are some popular apps that we use daily, and has APIs ready for developers to use?

The key here is to take some of these every day tasks we do on these platforms, and use the related API associated with the task, package it in a way that saves the user some time or money, and sell that as a SaaS.

Twitter marketing

- auto-RT every 6h to catch everyone in EU, US timezones
- post poorly-lit, hand-drawn, scrappy illustrations instead of polished ones. More authentic.

Another tweet goes viral! 2nd one this month!

If 18-year olds can sell jpegs on the internet for millions, you can sell your Gumroad product for $9.90.

Twitter marketing

- curate other people's tweets/threads into my own thread. Decide on 1 theme, and pull in other people's work. Research viral ones
- Scan through my Bookmarks and curate a thread outta them. The content is there, just have to wrap a theme around them

Day 390 - Coaching for marketing -

Here’s the thing about running your own business:

You’re always too close to the trees to see the forest.

You see, I just did a call with Amar Ghose of (via the generosity of Mash from @SparrowStartup) to get some coaching on marketing. And boy did he give me some good reminders.

Stuff that I knew. But not doing.

Why is that? 🤦‍♂️

I guess that’s the true value of a good coach: They just hold a mirror up to you and you come to your own realisations. That’s more effective than him telling me what to do step by step.

This call is so timely. Just as end Jan approaches and I end my season of rest and move into hustle mode in Feb once again. Great reminders to work on the right things instead of just working hard.

Did call with Amar Ghose of (via SparrowStartup) to get some coaching on marketing!

Learning points:
• ⭐️ lean into my story of building a tool to solve my problem
• ⭐️ list on entrepreneur sites
• ⭐️ ask existing members what other communities , newsletters they part of
• ⭐️ groups of just daily journaling
• Launch on PH
• "every CEO shd be writing 100 words a day..."
• niche down the content
• build a fb grp
• partnerships - micro influencers, tiktok,
• check out podcast. - surroundsound saas marketing

Day 389 - Back to Fit AF -

OK my Achilles tendonitis is 90% healed.

Time to get back on that Fit AF goal, only this time, slooower:

• 2 slow runs or walks per week till my heel feels 100%
• tiny body weight workouts - pushups, squats, heel raises
• full body stretches after all that

If the injury taught me anything, is how disembodied I am on a day-to-day basis. If anything, this Fit AF goal is not just about getting back my fitness but also (re-)learning to listen to my body.

My body is my harshest teacher.

Heed, or it’ll give me the painful lesson I wished I didn’t have.

A year from now, I’ll wish I had listened well and acted swiftly today.

Might as well start now.

Twitter marketing

- tweet format idea - a spiky POV, or shitting on some popular trend/habit (e.g. dark mode, web3, NFTs)
- lean into my story of building a tool to solve my problem, share more of my origin story

Day 388 - Reducing EMF exposure for better sleep -

I’d been trying to reduce my exposure to electromagnetic fields. Allegedly, chronic EMF exposure can lead to fertility issues, oxidative stress, and poor sleep. I’m most interested in the poor sleep part, but of course, any tangential health benefits is also appreciated.

A few glaring things in the house that emits the most EMF:

• Wifi router (including your neighbour’s)
• Smartphones
• Laptop
• Speakers
• Any other wireless/Bluetooth devices like Airpods, smart home devices like TVs, Roomba

For me, the best place to start is my work desk and bedroom, since I spend almost all my time in either every day, and it’s the places with the most electronics. A few things I’m experimenting with:

• Replacing wireless electronics with wired ones
• Switching off devices when not in use
• Adding EMF protection

🎉 Got another new free trial sign-up on monthly plan! Thanks Chris!

Another tweet goes viral (even though it had a typo!)!

I thought my $0 MRR product needed dark mode.

But in fact it just needs a more marketing.

Twitter marketing

- swear words usually attract unfollows. Use with f**king intention
- pull old tweets together into a thread, based on a theme eg marketing
- typos are fine. in fact, more human! See exhibit A -

Day 387 - My beloved teacher -

My beloved teacher had passed.

His name is Thich Naht Hanh, but we affectionately call him Thay (meaning teacher in Vietnamese). He’s a Zen master and monk who started the mindfulness centre and monastery called Plum Village, located in Bordeaux, France.

He wrote:

“The tears I shed yesterday had become rain.” – Thich Naht Hanh

Now, our turn.

Day 386 - 3 dimensions of a good life -

The three dimensions of a good life, by social psychologist Erin Westgate:

• A happy life
• A meaningful life
• A psychologically rich life

Key features: Comfort, joy, security
Facilitators: Money, time, relationships, positive mindset
Outcomes: Personal satisfaction
Metrics: Life satisfaction, positive affect

Key features: Significance, purpose, coherence
Facilitators: Moral principles, consistency, relationships, religiosity
Outcomes: Societal contribution
Metrics: Meaning in life, subjective meaning

Key features: Variety, interest, perspective change
Facilitators: Curiosity, time, energy, spontaneity
Outcomes: Wisdom
Metrics: Psychologically rich life/experience

Twitter marketing

- add images/gifs/memes to your tweets/first tweet of thread for visual punch. Use Unsplash, Giphy, gifs from Twitter, or memes from the internet
- provide 'unrolled' version of thread by linking the Lifelog post (therefore more backlinks). "No need to unroll this thread. Here's the original post about...... over at @golifelog 👇 "