
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

Day 239 - Sleep debt is the best indicator for productivity

New things I learned about sleep biohacking from the Rise Sleep app:

• Sleep debt is a better indicator of how you’ll feel and perform on any given day, rather than REM sleep, deep sleep or amount of sleep. I’m at 7.4h sleep debt.
• Grogginess and morning peaks - it takes 90min to clear out the sleep hormones in the morning, and for your alertness to peak.
• Energy dips through the day - mid-day (12noon-1pm) dips are inevitable. Plan your schedule around them rather than fight it. The app even adds slots into your calendar to show that!
• Evening peaks - I never knew this but there’s typically an evening peak around 5-6pm.
• Melatonin windows - the app estimates your melatonin window, an ideal period of time to hit the sack - you fall asleep faster and have less restless sleep.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled tweets for Sep
• Left comments
• RTs from good accounts

Day 238 - The butterfly effect of compounding

When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small." ~ just-shower-thoughts

Question for reflection:
What would your future self thank your present self for doing, or not doing?

Twitter marketing

• sent out personal thread about goals
• scheduled more tweets in Sep
• comments, RTs, likes

Day 237 - Most goals are borrowed

“Most goals are borrowed.

Borrowed from friends and family.
Borrowed from coworkers and peers.
Borrowed from society.

May your goals be your own.
If nothing else, may you think for yourself.”
~ @JamesClear

Day 236 - When life gets harder, become softer

"Me: I’m about to break.

God: Why do you think that is?

Me: Because life just keeps getting harder.

God: Then you need to become softer."

~ john roedel (

“Be like water, my friend”. - Bruce Lee

Twitter marketing

• did a thread on personal account today
• scheduled some tweets for Sept
• comment, RT, chat

Day 235 - Mental fitness vs mental health

You can be healthy but not fit. Likewise for your mental state.

I’d always thought mental health was important, and if I have it, I’m good and can cruise along. But hearing this distinction from @ShannVP on his My First Million podcast, I knew I had to shoot higher. It expanded my perspective on what was possible, what was desirable and aspirational.

I didn’t want to be just mentally healthy. I didn’t want to be just contented, satisfied, grateful. I didn’t want just less worries, more joy.

I want to be mentally fit.

Day 234 - Why I don't have a hobby

Recent tiny epiphany: I realised why I don’t have a hobby, why I didn’t seem to need one and it’s fine.

Because “business entertainment” - I get my entertainment from the game of business.

For me, it’s great fun. Fascinating, even. I listen, get inspired by the business ideas they share, and sometimes try it out on my own. I often create products like it’s a hobby, just for fun. If it goes viral, great! If not, I let it lapse. No pressure. I also explore business ideas, play with concepts and opportunities through my writing here, and have fun daydreaming. Fun is also why I keep making new products even though there’s already so many on hand.

I’m in it for the game.

All that sure sounds like a hobby, albeit an over-achiever sort.

But well, if it works, it works.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled "Good morning" tweets till end of Aug
• RT and commented on other high follower accounts
• Scheduled 3rd tweets till end Aug based on good tweets I was inspired by today

Day 233 - Physical artefacts for digital accomplishments

"There’s something about a physical artefact that lends more weight to the purpose you intended it for…An abstract intention actualised in a physical ritual, wrapped up with a sublime experience."

Because I too feel that with all my projects being digital, there’s a lack of tangible appreciation for it.

How I can create physical artefacts for my digital accomplishments:

• Print a custom notebook, t-shirt, stickers, pin buttons? - possible, but swags like t-shirts always becomes white elephants.
• Commission a medal/trophy? - effort needed, but if it can be like The Conqueror medals, will be awesome keepsakes!
• Start a Field Notes notebook or fancy journal for each of these projects - most feasible, can start today.
• Or follow @yongfook’s Moto Meter example on his open startup page and actually buy something I like/desire when I hit certain goals for each product!
What else can I do?
Carl Poppa 🛸

this is interesting, never thought of it this way. i usually just reward myself with fried chicken and beer 🤪

Jason Leow Author

Hahah i like food rewards too! Why not have friend chicken, beer and a medal to cap it off? ;)


Day 232 - Add "...for now" to everything

Add “…for now” to everything you say.

Instead of “I’m sad”, say “I’m sad…for now”.
Don’t say “I’m happy”, say “I’m happy…for now”.
Rather than “I’m rich”, say “I’m rich…for now”.

Dy 231 - Paid to be you

Who’s having the most fun being themselves and get paid for it at the same time?

"You can escape competition through authenticity, when you realize that no one can compete with you on being you. That would have been useless advice pre-internet. Post-internet, you can turn that into a career." ~ @naval

If I am to be paid to be me, what would I do?

Day 230 - 8h of sleep is not enough

The best sleep hack of them all... don't have kids 😂


Day 229 - Community-first product development

A few days ago, I created 2 new communities in a day – Carrd Chat and 5am indie hackers.

But for Carrd Chat and 5am indie hackers, I’m trying something new. A community-driven product development approach. Truth is, in starting these 2 groups, I have no products to tag to the groups. But I know I’m interested to create something that that space, for profit or for free. Just not sure what and why…yet.

But seeing the value of of these groups from my previous products, I thought why not, let’s create the community first, then figure out what to even build. Just chat, and over time, perhaps needs and pain points will arise.

It’s exciting to try a different product development approach. Can’t wait to see how these groups pan out!

Twitter marketing

Usual mix: scheduled tweets, commented on other accounts, RTs

Day 228 - Viral retro, part 2

More points on why I think went viral...

• Something more &/or different
• Data legitimacy
• Co-creation

Twitter marketing

• tried inversion and reverse psychological tweets today - FUN!
• scheduled more tweets based on good tweets I saw today
• trying a different commenting approach - arguing back nicely
• tweeted out long thread on viral success of
Jason Leow Author

oh no lah, not at all! But I thought i can counter argue to tweets i see, instead of being over-positive.

Carl Poppa 🛸

do you get a lot of ppl arguing with you??


Some Twitter marketing

• commenting and engaging
• RTs
• scheduled some tweets

Day 227 - Retrospective on the viral launch

Some numbers so far in just this first week of existence:

👥 ~2600 users on site at its peak on 8-9 Aug
📈 236k active users
👁 362k page views
🎉 1.06M event count
📰 Featured on 6 news platforms
☕️ 141 coffees received
💵 $705 one-off support
💳 3 new monthly subscription members for my social impact patronage
👨🏻‍💻 1 full stack developer job offer (what?!)

@keni asked that I do a retrospective on how it went viral. Here’s what I believed worked in my favour and contributed to its virality:

• Addressing a real pain point
• A descriptive domain name
• Timeliness
• Mass appeal
• For social good vibes

Day 226 - What are the few things that would make today a great day if you did it?

What are some things that would make the day a great day if you did it?

What are some things that would make a great week/month/quarter/year if you did them at least once a week/month/quarter/year?

What can the few things that you should aim to do as often as you can, to maximize joy daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly?

Here’s my own attempt at listing it out

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled more good morning tweets at 11am SG time due to good traffic
• RT and commented on other accounts

Dat 224 - Domain-driven development

“We trust descriptive dotCOMs… especially dotCOMs that represent a niche or category.” ~ Peter Askew

Since reading about his domain-driven development approach, I’d been on the lookout for opportunities to try it out. Never found any, until now.

I knew I wanted to create a website to check the latest safe distancing restrictions in Singapore. It’s for the masses, and what better way than to use a descriptive domain name for it.

Just “”.

And bless the internet gods, it was actually available, even after more than one year of safe distancing measures.

It’s rare to build a product where the domain name is one of the key unique differentiator from competitors (which in this case, are alternative sources of information from news and government). Of course, the content matters too, but I was eager to see the effect a domain-driven approach had.

And it seems to be working! It’s getting shared around organically, at times making rounds back to the original sharer. The last I checked on my analytics, it had over 2000 users in the last 30 minutes, 73k active users, 95k page views. And it was launched just 4 days ago on 9 August!

I think I hit some sweet spot there.