
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

New LifeBlog post - The guilt of trivial posts as a daily writer

Day 16

Day 16 #100daysofmarketing

• new blog

• Medium

• Quora

• FB

• Dev•to

• Hashnode

• Twitter marketing - 21 replies, 6 RTs, 7 QTs, 5 og tweets, 12 DMs to new followers

• new platform ideas, thanks to @jeffsvic - codenewbie, Product Hunt forum

Day 259 - Tripling down on publishing volume

I think I just tripled (or even quadrupled) my publishing volume over the past two weeks, as part of my #100dayofmarketing push. What a whirlwind of content, and I feel like I need to write a post to connect all the dots and wrap my head around all the moving parts.

From just at least 200 words daily here on Lifelog, I’m now also publishing content daily on six other platforms. Here’s my work flow for the day:

• LifeBlog
• Medium
• Quora
• Twitter
• Facebook
•, Hashnode
• KIV - LinkedIn

Just two weeks in, I can definitely feel the momentum from the content flywheel! I’m everywhere! It’s exciting yet also exhausting…it does take a toil mentally to keep up with all the publishing. I’m also wondering if I’m putting my head down too much just doing but not being smart about it.

Sure, consistency and volume usually wins on any platform, but it is really working out for me, in my context? I don’t want to repeat my old errors, mistaking output for guaranteed results (which doesn’t).

What is the data saying? Is there real world feedback that this is working?

Good questions to continue keeping in view as I keep up on my marketing blitz…

New LifeBlog post - Streak guilt from daily writing

Day 15 100daysofmarketing

Day 15 #100daysofmarketing

• new blog

• Medium

• Quora

• FB


• Hashnode

• Twitter marketing - 30 comments, 5 RTs, 9 quote tweets, 3 og tweets. Scheduled a bunch of tweets. Started a new template - asking qns as a tweet. Got inspired to try a DMs engagement strategy.

Day 258 - Minimum viable workouts

Minimum viable workouts for:

• Heart health/muscular dystrophy in old age: One-leg squat off a chair
• Power naps: 12min
• Daily active movement: Move for 3 minutes for every 30 minutes
• Workouts: 40 minutes for every 10 hours of sitting

What other minimum viable workouts do you know?

New post on LifeBlog - Writing by the moonlight

Day 257 - Day 14 of

My progress so far:

• LifeBlog - repurposed old content in new ways from my archives, ended up with 17 new blog posts so far
• Twitter marketing - been trying out this growth hack (50-80 comments, 5 RTs, 5 quote tweets, 5-7 original tweets) where they recommend commenting at least 10x more than original tweets, but super hard to hit that many comments. Best day on Sunday was 29 comments, 3 RTs, 3 quote tweets, 3 original tweets. Most days I only hit 10-20 comments!
• Not posted the newer blog posts to Twitter, should do that
• Cross posting to Medium - 10 posts
• Successfully enrolled in Medium’s Partner Program! Just switched on the paid content setting for my 10 Medium posts
• Cross posting content as answers on Quora - 6 answers
• Cross posting to Lifelog’s Facebook page - just realised I can, so posted 2 posts so far
• LinkedIn - not figured out how to align it to my personal LinkedIn account, or if I should create a company brand for Lifelog
• New ideas -, Hashnode for my #decodingcoding posts, and repurpose writing/goals-related content for devs

Some reflections:

• Damn it’s haaard work
• Automated content distribution needed
• Writing fluency made it easier
Jason Leow Author

I was hoping someone else had done it! Whats the Buffer but for writing content?

Carl Poppa 🛸

when are you building this automatic cross-posting app 😆


🤑💳 Set up Stripe, submitted tax info, and set posts to paid content on Medium's Partner Program

I’m in! Enrollment into Medium’s Partner Program successful. 💪 Time to watch the cash roll in lol 🤑🤣

Day 13

Day 13 #100daysofmarketing

• repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post

• x-post to Medium -

• x-post answers to Quora -

• x-post to FB - first ever today!

• Twitter marketing - 14 comments, 9 RTs, 9 quote tweet, 3 og tweets

• new ideas - post on, hashnode - thanks @jeffsvic for the ideas!

Day 256 - How the Twitter algorithm thinks

Give the Twitter algorithm what it likes and it’ll like you back. Simple, but hard.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Push AND pull of writing

Day 12

Day 12 #100daysofmarketing

• repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post

• x-post to Medium -

• x-post answers to Quora -

• Twitter marketing - 19 comments, 15 RTs, 6 quote tweets, 2 og tweets

Day 255 - I'll do it tomorrow

There’s few phrases that had killed more dreams than communism, and that is:

“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

(Okay, some caveats first: Maybe it’s fine to say that once or twice, for self-care purposes.)

If your goals and dreams are worthy and matter to you, it’s time to delete that line from your personal dictionary. Forever.

No tomorrow. Only today.

Anything worth doing is worth doing small. And poorly. And slowly.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Discipline vs diligence in daily writing

Day 254 - Your real competition

Over and over, this lesson repeats itself on my indie hacker journey. The breakthroughs I had were always more about pivoting myself.

Your competitor is not your real competitor.

The real competition is:

• Your ego and stubbornness in face of data
• Disinterest in learning, or not learning fast enough
• Procrastination or hesitation to take a risk
• Opportunities that are distractions
• Bad working/management habits
• Self-doubt or lack of confidence

Basically, willing or unable to adapt and change when the context had changed.

Pivoting oneself over pivoting the company.

Compete against that.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Writing is a mirror

Twitter marketing - RTs, comments, shared resources, likes, scheduled og tweets



Twitter Growth Hacks by @midnightudog

🚀 50-80 Comments
🚀 5-7 Original Tweets
🚀 5 RTs
🚀 5 RT Comments

Engage and provide value

Do this daily and you will grow

Day 253 - Keto, two years on

I started on the ketogenic diet on 10 Sep 2019. It’s been two years.

To the uninitiated, the keto diet is form of low carb, high fat diet. We’re eating too much sugars and carbs in our modern diets, and that’s leading to a whole host of metabolic conditions like diabetes, inflammation, and obesity. Keto aims to counter that, by drastically reducing our carb intake, and training our metabolically flexible body to burning more fats.

I started on keto as a last ditch effort to heal from a series of chronic gut issues, which included surgery. And two years on, I never felt better.

Some stuff I learned along the way:

• Weight comes and goes, and comes back again
• Trust your body
• Your way of eating will evolve
• Keto is a revolutionary act

I only pray this will gain wider acceptance over time.
Carl Poppa 🛸

fruitful in more ways than one!

Jason Leow Author

yes indeed! it was a timely change as part of a greater transformation at play


For SEO content for LifeBlog - Writing is...

Twitter marketing

Need to engage MORE than I tweet!

Engagement volume is key, not tweet volume

Day 252 - My 1001 days being an indie hacker

Someone on Twitter asked me about how my past three years as a maker had been, and that got me thinking deeply about it my journey so far.

The painful truth is, despite making leaps in growth and learning, I’m still far from realising my original aspiration – to make a liveable living as an indie hacker. Currently, my goal is to get $5k monthly recurring revenue.

Between working hard versus working smart, I’d mostly went at it by being the most consistent and hard worker I can be. I’m a big believer of consistency and the compounding effects of habits. But lately I’m starting to doubt if consistent habits alone are enough for entrepreneurial success.

The short answer is, no.

The data is just not showing a net positive effect. Just have a sense that something is missing…

So I know how to design, learned how to create, learning how to market. Would these be enough to succeed? What other roles and skill stacks do I still need after this? How much longer do I need to take before I can get to the success I envisioned? How much runway do I have left to try? I’m feeling impatient.

Three years since, yet I feel like I’ve only just started. I hope the day I reach my $5k MRR goal isn’t too far.

For SEO content for LifeBlog - Atomic Habits for an unbreakable daily writing

Day 251 - Crossing the habit chasm

There’s always this point along a habit formation journey that you know you had crossed, when the habit finally sticks.

I think I just crossed it for my daily marketing habit.

Weird thing is, I’d been doing marketing for a few months now. It didn’t feel like it stuck. But once I committed to #100daysofmarketing, something began to shift.

I believe what was really happening beneath it all was an identity shift. All the inner fighting, the resistance, was the old self fighting against discomfort and change. Growth always feels painful, initially.

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." ~ Kahlil Gibran

And the catalyst that brought about this identity shift was the looming challenge of doing something every day for 100 days. Only a big enough challenge could have brought about the requisite amount of discomfort and stress...

Someone reminded me today, that watching yourself grow is a beautiful sight. Taking a moment today, with this post, to be grateful for the journey and the growth.