
Connect with your audience

Build out DB tables for Email Sequence

Working on the base for the email sequence support in Audience.

Fix new user bug

Had a bug for new users, sorted that now and updated the user's onboarding.

Brings new sign-ups to the dashboard.

Update the email settings option

On the nav bar I've updated it to say "connect your email provider" if you haven't connected to the provider.

If you have, I now say "Connected to PROVIDER" In my case, this one is connected to Mailgun.

Updated the subscriber list card

Working on the new subscriber list view will focus on the analytics.

Updated the nav bar

Still not 100% on the colour contrast, but it's closer to what I want it to be.

Update the main menu bar

Updated the font and contrast on the main menu bar, I'm a bit happier with it now.
James Kenny Author

Thanks! Wait, what's a passion 😀

James Kenny Author

Oh so a fruit like potatoes 🤣


Working on the new marketing site

Working on the new layout for the marketing site.

I've added a base layout. I need to work on copy next.

Add menu for editions

I've added a menu now so you can flick between Published, Scheduled, Draft editions on the dashboard.

Add create option

If the user hasn't published any newsletters, I've added the create options to make it easier to get going.

Build out the basic layout for the new dashboard

A first draft of the new UI for the dashboard.

Adding the header to the new marketing site

Building up the new marketing site, the first part is building out a template I can reuse to add other pages on to the site.

Worked up a new header.

Fix the footer on the emails

A quick update to fix the footer on the emails Audience is sending, it was missing in some cases.

Designed out the daily digest email

Designing a set of emails for Audience, first up is the daily digest, this email will send with a list of new signups.

Fix routing issue

Found a bug while working on the new coming soon page, and hooking it back into Audience.

I'm finding more now that I'm really working with it and dog flooding it more.

Build out coming soon page

My side project now has a side project, that has to get me maker points?!? :D

An automated product built with the core components of Audience, Hook up an RSS feed and it will send a newsletter for every new post.

Email Editor - MJML support

Ok, it's been a while since I shared an update on anything, renovating the house has been taking a huge amount of my time.

Building out the MJML support in the editor. You can now take your MJML template and load it into Audience, Audience will let you preview and then generate the email from the MJML framework.

You can edit the MJML or the HTML it generates, send previews and schedule the emails.

I think I'm going to add support as well so you can save the MJML templates and reuse them. Will have a think about how to do that.
Carl Poppa 🛸

it's looking good, James!

Carl Poppa 🛸

that's the way to do it!


Adding in the RSS List view support

You can now select your RSS feed, and add a link to your post directly into the email body.

Going to work on the other templates and views next, being able to add them as cards, etc.

Layout changes to the new create email

The new layout is starting to come together now. I've tried a few different layouts but so many felt really crowded and cluttered.

Starting to build out one I really like now though.
Carl Poppa 🛸

coming along very nicely!

James Kenny Author

thanks, getting there.


Build out the new layout for the editor

I've started working on the new upgrade to the email editor. with some new features as we ll as a new writing experience