
Connect with your audience

Blog post

A blog post about the latest updates and what I'm changing my focus to next.

RSS Sync

Now that I can add RSS feeds onto the newsletters, I need to keep them up to date,

I've added a small service that will check for new posts on the RSS feeds every few minutes.

When it finds a new post it adds it into your collection so it's there.

First version of RSS To email

Created the first version of the RSS content generating a draft newsletter.

Connect an RSS feed to

Add a new RSS feed and load in the content from the feed.

Display the content so I can create an email from a new post.

Newsletter Opt In Emails

You can now create a custom opt-in for newsletters in Audience.

It creates an opt-in from your default opt-in and lets you edit it as you want.

Design work new Opt In Functions

Currently the opt in email is the same for every newsletter in your account.

I'm adding a new change to allow you to create a custom Opt In for different newsletters.

It will be based on the default Opt In first and then allow you to change it.
Carl Poppa 🛸

nice and clean!


Starting building in the new OptIn and Email Sequence

Starting building out some new features.

- Improving the opt in email, to give users more control over the email that's sent.
- Adding in Email Sequences, for adding welcome emails, sharing the best of emails, etc.

Add twitter card support to newsletters

It now adds the image / description and title into the twitter card. So if you share the newsletter it appears.

Also tested for FB graph and slack sharing.

Have to work on the other properties next.

Added Support for email properties

Working on allowing you to add an email description and image to the email newsletter.

This will give you the preview text for some email clients.

I'm also allowing you to upload an image so it can create a twitter card / graph settings for Facebook. This way if some one shares your newsletter it can have those images and text you want.