Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 85 - Details matter, but not all details are created equal https://golifelog.com/posts/details-matter-but-not-all-details-are-created-equal-1616737937948

"People who excel tend to obsess over the details. People who struggle also tend to obsess over the details. The difference is what details they focus on. Minutiae vs polish. Most things don’t matter—but when it does, you want to get the details right." - James Clear

I hope I’m mostly in the former group, and if not, I certainly aspire to be. I want to focus attention on details that matter. Pragmatic polish, not meaningless minutiae. And I want to excel and succeed because of it.

I want to do work that delights others through such polish. The little delights, like the animated notification bell in Lifelog. I made so many features for Lifelog, but guess what, that tiny bell with the red dot is my favourite thing. Meaningful, pleasurable, yet practical, utilitarian. A worthwhile investment on your attention.

Added Google analytics to

You know your side project's side project just got serious when you add analytics to it.

As reminded by @yuyu, need to add it to google search console next...

Shared the new accordion menu Carrd template in mailing list and Facebook and Indie Hackers groups

Dropped a new free accordion menu Carrd template


Day 84 - Words on a page, they have infinite patience https://golifelog.com/posts/words-on-a-page-they-have-infinite-patience-1616662173081

Imagine: all these words that you wrote on Lifelog. They’re just sitting there, like dormant seeds, awaiting that opportune season of rain and sunlight. The potential of an entire forest, all captured in one seed. One post. One day, all these words from your digital garden might come to your aid like you’d never imagine.

Just writing that last paragraph out fills me with optimism and excitement. And a moment’s teasing taste, of that infinite patience.

Started selling digital downloads on Flury!

Selling code for a responsive mobile navbar 'plugin' for Carrd


Still not so sure about pricing, will have to refine as I go...

Replied email for potential pro bono volunteering opportunity for SSAs/ECDA (gov folks)

Arranged phone call to appear in CNA documentary about COVID innovators by Peddling Pictures

More opportunities! Not sure where all these goes, but OK!

Firming up IG marketing strategy with Rachel

Rachel's volunteering/collaborating to help me with IG marketing - exciting! We're creating a content strategy for Lifelog's presence on IG - will be interesting to see how a visual medium plays with a text medium that is Lifelog.

Day 83 - AI writing https://golifelog.com/posts/ai-writing-1616568965689

I finally got to try out GPT-3 via Headlime.com to see what the fuss was about.

Outsource grunt work? Sure. But outsource creativity? Not really.

This experience again reaffirms the narrative I had come to adopt for AI (for now) – that it augments humans to be more human, to do work that only humans are uniquely able can do, like creativity, storytelling.

🍋 Experimented with all features on Headlime.com to use up my credits before the reset

Generated variations of landing page value prop statements, headlines, taglines, and potential Facebook ad copy for all my products. Tried writing out some blog posts without any seed ideas to see how far it can go.

I think GPT3 is great for shorter, self-contained copywriting like writing ad copy, value prop statements, taglines, elevator pitches, blog headlines and generating ideas for blog posts.

Struggled with using it to actually write a proper longer form blog post on a blank slate - unpredictable and seldom coherent (as kinda expected). I think you need to already have a rough skeleton of the post you want to write, and then use GPT-3 to flesh out the key points that you have to feed it. Or use it as prompters.

Experimenting with Headlime.com for copywriting and blog post ideas!

💵 Got $540 payment from Blyss Foods for 6mths worth of Boosted and Banner ads!

Day 82 - On marketing: More questions than answers https://golifelog.com/posts/on-marketing-more-questions-than-answers-1616464629957

I’m diving into marketing and growth for Lifelog this week, and boy do I have questions. More questions than answers. Questions that will guide my learning. I guess that’s a good thing?

Added Most Streaks sidebar to home page to celebrate the resilient folks who bounce back from broken streaks

Why does using the same data object twice within a function not work? e.g.

async fetchData() {
this.streakData = await this.$axios.get('/api-endpoint')
this.topStreaks = this.streakData
.sort((a, b) => b.summary.currentStreak - a.summary.currentStreak)
.slice(0, 3)
this.mostStreaks = this.streakData
.sort((a, b) => b.summary.streaks.length - a.summary.streaks.length)
.slice(0, 3)

Gave up trying to fix this, went with fetching data from the endpoint TWICE to render the data I need! 😩

Day 81 - Everyone's building a media company https://golifelog.com/posts/everyones-building-a-media-company-1616395325253

Everyone’s building a modern media company for their business, whether they realise it or not.

This really helps set the overall mindset, the paradigm within which to operate. That for Lifelog, it’s not just a SaaS or an indie project. It’s also a media company. The sooner I realise that, the faster I can get over any hang-ups about marketing, and the better I will get at it.