Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Added 9 tutorial walk-throughs to guide non-technical folks on how to customize their testimonial plugin


🚀 Launched 2nd paid ($15) Carrd plugin on Flurly! A testimonial slider


Published another tweet thread on writing productivity hacks during writing


Experimenting with:

- skipping the meme gif on the first tweet. Maybe too much of a good thing is not so good
- tried adding a "is this good/shit" poll at the end to get more data
- edit a headline 10x. Went with a more bolder statement "Starting a daily writing habit is EASY.." instead of "How to..." which is more meh
- got a point to make but not enough characters, so 'cheated' by tweeting out a single tweet about said point, then adding the link to the related tweet in the thread
- mentioned more famous authors like George R R Martin and Hemingway, used their quotes on snazzy custom-designed graphics

🤑 Made a testimonial plugin for Carrd - paid plugin coming up!


Day 110 - Let's find out https://golifelog.com/posts/lets-find-out-1618901166593

Words have a power over us, more than we realize. Use words that signal qualities that you look up to in your work.

❌ “I will achieve this goal”
✅ “I will learn my way towards this goal”
=> taps on my innate passion to learn

❌ “Will my plans work? We’ll see.”
✅ “Will my plans work? Let’s find out.”
=> taps on qualities I look up to - optimism, bias towards action

Organic chatting and link sharing to tweet thread "How to make it EASY to keep your daily writing habit going."

Always engage a bit before &/or after tweeting threads to bring attention to your account.

Learned about 'SEO' on Twitter search. Try searching for the common key words that people would use in Twitter for your content, and use those words in your tweet.

Published another minimum viable content tweet thread for Lifelog https://twitter.com/golifelog/status/1384039627523194880


• 10x editing. Say same thing with less words, thks to 280char limit.
• Try a mobile-first approach - write a tweet thread 1st, then blog? Less rambling!

Won a giveaway! Got the UI book Designing User Interfaces by Michal Malewicz, gifted by @vponamariov https://twitter.com/vponamariov/status/1384051612390363138?s=21

Day 109 - What's one high ROI habit you wished you had? https://golifelog.com/posts/whats-one-high-roi-habit-you-wished-you-had-1618815181975

"What’s one high ROI habit you wished you had? What’s holding you back from not doing it today?"

The one high ROI habit I wish I had is… knowing how to rest well.

I truly wish I knew how to take it easy and take breaks regularly. I mean, I understand the principle behind why I should do it, but I’m not acting a the way that reflects that knowledge. In sports, I know that deloading is as important as loading. Rest days are as important as training days, and should be treated with the same level of seriousness and discipline as training.

So why am I not living up to that knowledge?

Completed writing out tweet thread "How to set up your own work space to keep you writing everyday" - now ready to publish

Brain-dumped 2 drafts of tweet threads in Typefully, editing to come

How to set up your own work space to keep you writing everyday
Ultimate guide to writing tools/apps

Day 108 - Discipline Equals Freedom https://golifelog.com/posts/discipline-equals-freedom-1618717403411

Discipline is freedom because it’s empowering one to achieve freedom from bad habits, poor choices, old, unwholesome way of doing things. It’s enabling a better future version of yourself to emerge. It’s freeing you from the shackles of past narratives of yourself, towards the dreams and aspirations you used to hold before those shackles snuffed them out.

When seen this way, oh hell yeah, discipline IS freedom indeed.

Played with @CentralizedCoin - interesting new way to explore crypto and experiment with it!

Tweeted out a thread of my Lifelog post for the day https://twitter.com/jasonleowsg/status/1383339953090822152?s=20

Doing this made me learn new things:

- Editing editing editing. I could really say the same thing with a lot less words, thanks to Twitter's 280 char constraint.

- Maybe I should do the opposite, a mobile-first approach - write a tweet thread first then post it on Lifelog with some edits/additions. That way I don't ramble on, nor spend so much time trying to summarize and edit when transferring from Lifelog to Twitter.

Day 107 - What's your highest ROI habits? https://golifelog.com/posts/whats-your-highest-roi-habits-1618647461449

What’s my highest ROI habits?

• Keto diet
• Learning something new everyday and applying it
• Sleep biohacking
• Waking at 5am
• Daily writing

So what’s your highest ROI habits? Do tell!
Jason Leow Author

I write abt it all here 😊 https://golifelog.com/goals/26


What do you do with "sleep biohacking"?


Completed editing, formatting, designing for 2 tweet threads "How to make it easy to write everyday"

Wrote drafts for 2 tweet threads about "How to make it easy to keep your daily writing habit going" - before and during writing

Confirmed speaking opportunity for SCS May TecHour 12 May 12pm - gonna talk about using nocode tech for good!

Day 106 - Are you a hot sleeper or cold sleeper? https://golifelog.com/posts/are-you-a-hot-sleeper-or-cold-sleeper-1618561460291

A hot sleeper is some who constantly feels hot, or even sweats, as he sleeps, even if the outside temperature is cold. A cold sleeper is the opposite, she gets increasingly cold, needing more blankets as the night progresses.

I only recently discovered these sleeping profiles, and now it makes sooo much sense! ...Because now that I know my profile, I found more sleep biohacks I can do to increase my sleep quality scores to 80%:

• Choose cooling fabrics like cotton, bamboo or linen for pyjamas and bedsheets. I currently wear synthetic fabrics to sleep, which isn’t the most cooling.
• Choose pillows and mattresses that are more breathable and facilitate better airflow, like Airfoam instead of memory foam.
• Have an ice pack on standby. Dap pulse points with it before sleep.
• Install a small electric fan next to me.
• Buy a bed cooler like ChiliPad/Ooler.
• No exercise before bed (I never anyway).
• Keep room well-circulated.

Can’t wait to try these!

Spend 1h chatting and sharing the latest tweet thread on other tweets that has the search key words "find time to write"

Published out another tweet thread "How to find time to write everyday"

🔗 https://twitter.com/golifelog/status/1382835487551807492

Tried new things like:

* Added the site URL as part of the list of tips (not always possible but it was this time)
* Added a Tl;dr summary tweet at the end for easy RTs
* Added a custom image of Franz Kafka quote to 'add' more words to a tweet without adding to word count
* Twitter doesn't allow you to save thread drafts, so used Typefully to save the thread yesterday to publish today (downside: no access to gifs/img)

Day 105 - A year since lockdown https://golifelog.com/posts/a-year-since-lockdown-1618480189280

It’s been roughly one year since our COVID-induced lockdown in Singapore.

What a year.

How our physical worlds shrunk then. Yet, somehow, how my online world expanded!

I earned less, enjoyed less material luxuries. Yet, somehow, despite the money woes, I had never felt more satisfied career-wise.

We had a baby to care for at home, had a lot less personal time. Yet, somehow, despite the sleep and time deprivation, I had never done more in a year.

With the baby, some days can be messy. Yet, somehow, every day is a blessing. I wouldn’t trade the beautiful moments of seeing my boy grow up for anything else.

The days were long, but the year was short.

What a year.