Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Sent registration form for adjunct lecturer gig for design thinking training at NYP

☕️☕️ Met @poppacalypse for coffee IRL to riff on indie hacking, helping local F&Bs, and new work opportunities! Love how like-minds help amplify each other. Might be time to create a new product page here on Makerlog again...

Carl Poppa 🛸



Day 119 - 4am https://golifelog.com/posts/4am-1619691941884

True solitude is something of a rare luxury in this modern age. But I get to taste a bit of that at 4am.

Airplane mode. Warm yellow light from my table. The smell of espresso stirring my brain awake. The only sound coming from my fingers hitting the keyboard. The anticipation of a solid 3-4 hours for deep work, all to myself. Seeing the sky brighten slowly from violet to blue to orange and yellow.

I love it.

Showed first draft of landing page to client, got feedback. Iteration next!

Day 118 - Disciplined on outside but uses least discipline inside https://golifelog.com/posts/disciplined-on-outside-but-uses-least-discipline-inside-1619596897314

The people with the best self‑control are typically the ones who need to use it the least. It’s easier to practice self‑restraint when you don’t have to use it very often. So, yes, perseverance, grit, and willpower are essential to success, but the way to improve these qualities is not by wishing you were a more disciplined person, but by creating a more disciplined environment.

From Chapter 7 of Atomic Habits by James Clear

there’s something surprisingly counterintuitive about the bigger idea behind this post:

The smaller example: Leaning the least on discipline ends up looking like discipline on the outside.

The bigger idea: The ones who look like they have the most of something on the outside are actually using that something the least inside.

What other phenomena lives by that inverse principle of abundance on outside, scarcity on inside?

Day 117 - Permissionless leverage https://golifelog.com/posts/permissionless-leverage-1619505499763

Tl; dr -

• Do your own thing, alone (mostly)
• Don't have gatekeepers
• Spend all your time on code and media
• Learn to build & sell
Jason Leow Author


Carl Poppa 🛸

Onward and upward!


🤑 Onboarded to Superpeer to sell my advice for obscene amounts of money 😜

Profile URL: https://superpeer.com/jasonleow

Design consultancy - $100/30min
Indie hacking - $19/30min
Nocode development - $19/30min
JAMstack development - $19/30min

💵 Made my first sale for the testimonial slider Carrd plugin! Thanks jabjohnson for the US$15!

Kara-Jay Matthews


Jason Leow Author

Added Upwork RSS feeds of saved searches to Feed Reader Bot on Telegram, to get messages when there's new jobs posted

Marketing: Posted a Carrd demo for open startups/Google Sheet CMS for charts on Indie Hackers groups for Carrd and Nocode


Day 116 - 3 counterintuitive ways to use Upwork for learning https://golifelog.com/posts/3-counterintuitive-ways-to-use-upwork-for-learning-1619434196695

I was on Upwork looking for gigs, but instead chanced on a use case for Upwork that’s completely counter to what it’s usually used for. People usually go to Upwork (or any freelance marketplaces) to find work, or find hired help if you’re an employer. But I ‘discovered’ that Upwork can be great for learning. Like Udemy/Coursera kind of learning, yes.

• Learn how the pros do it
• Hire someone to be your mentor by the hour
• Learn about new business ideas by assessing the volume of similar job posts

Created "full stack" web developer profile on Upwork to find gigs that make the whole product

Calling myself "full stack" feels like an over-reach, but that was the easiest term to go for.


Created nocode developer profile on Upwork to find nocode gigs


Unexpected learning windfall - learned about how to write a "best in class" SEO-optimized article from—of all places—Upwork

Someone looking for a SEO copywriter shared a google doc on their expectations and benchmarks on the article they want. Which ends up being a great learning doc for me! And I wasn't even looking for copywriting jobs.

Now I know. Want to learn how the industry pros do it? Go scroll through Upwork and other freelance websites and see their specs, expectations for the work they are paying for. YOu can be sure, since they are putting their wallet out for it, that some standards will be there.

Job link for ref: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01e26f17e7b70bcd71

Got some warm leads for gigs from my personal network! MMM showing assuring results on Day 1!

- working on a web design project for an ex-colleague's business
- confirmed a training course in July
- got 2 tentative opportunities for consultancy from 2 friends
- got several cold leads on jobs to try to apply for

Added 2 portfolio projects to my Upwork profile
