Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 151 - MMMMay wrap-up https://golifelog.com/posts/mmmmay-wrap-up-1622444557261

Overall, a failed month.

I tried everything. Nothing worked. Not sure what else to do now.

I’m disappointed in myself.

I’m tired.

Helped customer of testimonial Carrd template customise style to fit website

When small/starting out, do things that don't scale!

Day 150 - Old and true https://golifelog.com/posts/old-and-true-1622358292309

Study what’s old and true, not what’s popular. What’s true never changes. Human behavior (needs and wants) has always been the same. Only context and culture changes. Use this to your advantage by building new things with old concepts. You’ll be right more than you’re wrong. ~ @jdnoc

Testimonial plugin: Fixed ghost horizontal rules that's automatically applied due to Bootstrap stylesheet

Thanks to feedback from Ovi H.

🤩 Got featured on The IT Society magazine by Singapore Computer Society for my COVID tech for good work


🔥900 day streak on Makerlog! Road to 1000 looks near now!

Jason Leow Author

Thanks guys!

Carl Poppa 🛸

woohoo!! 🙌


Day 149 - Emotions as information https://golifelog.com/posts/emotions-as-information-1622279763497

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Viktor E. Frankl

Your relationship with your emotions will change when you view them as information.

From "Why is this happening to me?" to "What is this telling me?"

Day 148 - Life in reverse https://golifelog.com/posts/life-in-reverse-1622181989952

Research for local business case studies for design thinking for upcoming training course

Day 147 - Counter-signalling https://golifelog.com/posts/counter-signalling-1622094603958

Tl;dr - don't learn from high signallers. Learn from those in top of their field but counter-signal on what you/we commonly perceive as an indicator of quality.

Day 146 - Work is love made visible https://golifelog.com/posts/work-is-love-made-visible-1622012709579

Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
~ Kahlil Gibran, in The Prophet

Day 145 - 4am month https://golifelog.com/posts/4am-month-1621925788362

It’s been a month of experimenting with 4am wake times since starting on 25th April:

I generally woke around 4:20am or 4:40am
Earliest was 3:58am, latest was 5:03am
Sleep scores hover around 60-70% in the beginning
Later 1-2 weeks I’d been getting high 70% scores, a few 80% even
High 70%-80% came from 7h sleep or more, often with 9pm bedtime
The sleep charts from these high 70% scores also showed more regular peaks and valleys, with no interruptions from night pees or anything
I also self-reported my alertness level (on 1-10 scale) when I woke. This one was a strange one - no patterns. On some good score days I found I reported low alertness levels even! Not sure if I’m doing it wrong…

🤞 Conversion video call with Cloud Security Labs to demo Stackbit and JAMstack approach

Day 2 of course landing page for social impact design

Figured out a way to create dropdown FAQs with 50:50 Carrd elements : custom code!
An Tran

I am following you on Twitter and very much admire your discipline to work on your dream everyday.

Jason Leow Author

Hey @peacemoon, wow thanks! Appreciate your comment :))) What are you working on these days?


Day 144 - Prioritizing different ways to make money https://golifelog.com/posts/prioritizing-different-ways-to-make-money-1621836579996

I’d come to a sort of a rough framework and decision matrix on what i should focus on to get the highest return on my efforts to make money fast.

In order of priority:

1. Immediate pay-offs
2. Warm leads
3. New product ideas
4. Cold leads

Video call with designer friend to learn how to conduct remote workshops

Simultaneous Zoom-Miro/Mural combo
Zoom for voice, Miro for whiteboards
Zoom for trainer presentations
Keep presos short, to 15min
Have breaks every 1.5h max
Have a short pre-workshop session to onboard to the tool (Miro/Mural, or Google Slides/Jamboard)
Pre-seed breakout whiteboard so that participants can see what needs to be done
Worst case scenario for non-tech savvy crowd - use Google Docs

Any free video calling platforms that have free breakout room features?
- gather.town
- bramble.live
- meetbutter.io

Day 143 - Keep calm & carry on https://golifelog.com/posts/keep-calm-and-carry-on-1621749828967

I’m starting to wonder: What if there’s no normal to return to?

I had long accepted that for life in general. That our lifestyles will never look the same post-pandemic. But seems like for work opportunities, I’m still holding out for the familiar past to return to ‘save’ me.

It’s time to let it go.

So… what if instead of hunkering down, I just went ahead and do what I always wanted to be doing in the future, as if it’s already arrived in the present?

Started on a landing page for a design thinking for social good course

1-on-1 coaching
Learning by doing
Real social issue/cause

Day 142 - Strategic incompetence https://golifelog.com/posts/strategic-incompetence-1621665493651

"Strategic incompetence”:

It’s saying, “Decide what you’re going to suck at, to be great at something else.”

It’s saying no so that you can say yes to the one or few things you want to be great at.

It’s giving yourself permission to be incompetent in things that don’t matter. And that’s a-okay.

Few understand this.